Abell 1689

Abell 1689

Galaxy cluster
name = Abell 1689

constellation = Virgo
member_no =
brightest_member =
other_names =

Abell 1689 is a stellar object described as being a galaxy cluster and gravitational lens in the constellation Virgo. It is one of the biggest galaxy clusters known. It is 2.2 billion light years (674.8 Mpc) away from earth.

From the image, the yellow galaxies belong to the cluster itself, however, the red and blue distorted streaks are background galaxies gravitationally lensed by the cluster. Some of the lensed galaxies are over 13 billion light years (3987.7 Mpc) distant. The lensing zone itself is 2 million light years (0.61 Mpc) across.

In Feb 2008, it was announced that one of the lensed galaxies, A1689-zD1, was the most distant yet found.

External links

* [http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/newsdesk/archive/releases/2003/01/image/a Galaxy cluster Abell 1689: Biggest 'Zoom Lens' in Space Takes Hubble Deeper into the Universe] (HubbleSite)
* [http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2008/08/ Galaxy cluster Abell 1689: Astronomers Find One of the Youngest and Brightest Galaxies in the Early Universe] (HubbleSite)

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