- Recantation
The verb recant , and its derivative noun recantation, can mean:
* To formally abandon a belief or a particular statement of belief, generally under order from an ecclesiastical authority (often asynod orecumenical council , or, in theRoman Catholic Church , theInquisition ,Holy Office , or even on rare occasion the contemporaryCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ) to enforce anorthodoxy . If ordered to recant by such an ecclesiastical authority, one who refused to recant isanathematized orexcommunicated . Sometimes the order included threats of physical punishment (e.g., the proverbialburning at the stake , as happened in the trial of St.Jeanne d'Arc ).
* In classical Romanpoetry , after describing somethinghyperbolic ally, to briefly re-describe it without the exaggeration. (This is the original meaning.)
* Or seerevocation .
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