Palm VII

Palm VII

The Palm VII product family consisted of two products, the Palm VII (released May, 1999) and the Palm VIIx Palm Pilots.These were produced by Palm, Inc., before it was split into PalmOne and PalmSource.They had antennas for wireless data communication on the Mobitex network under the now defunct service.
Web Clipping Applications used the network to process data. The Palm VIIx could download new Web Clipping applications wirelessly.The Palm VII series was later replaced by the Palm i705.

The Palm VII was the first Palm to have an available wireless internet service without a modem. It had a rubbery antenna that received radio signals from the Palm.Net service. This service (defunct in '04) was $14.95 per month for a limited number of web page views.

The original Palm VII used Palm OS 3.2; it had 2MB of RAM and a monochrome screen. This Palm was also the most expensive at the time, with prices starting at $599. The Palm VII also continued the tradition started by the Palm III of having an infrared port to communicate and beam applications from one Palm to the other. There is also another version of the Palm VII, the VIIx. The VIIx has 4 times the amount of memory the VII has, giving it a total of 8MB.

Despite the high price tag and fairly stripped down technical specs, the Palm VII proved very popular before other wireless devices with data capability were commonplace. Once the service was discontinued, the Palm VII offered very little.

= External Links =
* [ 3Com Delivers The Palm VII Organizer For Out-Of-The-Box Wireless Internet Access] , 3Com/Palm Press Release, May 24, 1999
* [ Palm Sets the Pace with Enhanced Wireless Palm VIIx handheld] , Palm Press Release, Aug. 7, 2000

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