Power Macintosh 8600

Power Macintosh 8600


Introduced=February 17, 1997
CPU=PowerPC 604e/604ev
CPUspeed=200 - 300 MHz
OS=System 7.5.5-Mac OS 9.1, or with G3 upgrade, Mac OS X 10.2.9
RAM=32 MiB, expandable to 1 GiB
RAMtype=70 ns 168-pin DIMM

Discontinued=February 17, 1998The Power Macintosh 8600 (Codename: "Kansas") is a personal computer that is a part of Apple Computer's Power Macintosh series of Macintosh computers. It was introduced at a processor speed of 200 MHz in February 1997 alongside the Power Macintosh 7300 and the Power Macintosh 9600. It replaced the Power Macintosh 8500. In August 1997, the original model was replaced with two faster ones, at 250 and 300 MHz. The 8600 was discontinued in February 1998, in favour of the Power Macintosh G3 minitower that had been introduced in November 1997.

Like the Power Macintoshes 7300 and 9600, the 8600 featured the new PowerPC 604e and 604ev CPU, an enhanced version of the PowerPC 604 used in the predecessor models 8500 and 9500. It used the same new case as the 9600, but was somewhat less expandable (8 instead of 12 RAM sockets, 3 instead of 6 PCI slots) at a lower price, a distinction that was carried over from the x500 generation. Like the 8500, it included advanced Audio-Video ports including RCA audio in and out, S-Video in and out and composite video in and out.The 8600 was plagued with supply problems from the beginning, and only in June 1997, four months ofter its introduction, the computer was widely available. The 300 MHz model was also delayed after its introduction, but not as heavily as the original model had been. [ [http://apple-history.com/?page=gallery&model=8600 Power Macintosh 8600] at apple-history.com]

External links

* Power Macintosh [http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=112397 8600/200] , [http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=112421 8600/250] and [http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=112422 8600/300] specifications at AppleSpec
* [http://www.lowendmac.com/ppc/8600.shtml Power Macintosh 8600] at Low End Mac
* Power Macintosh [http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powermac/stats/powermac_8600_200.html 8600/200] , [http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powermac/stats/powermac_8600_250.html 8600/250] and [http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powermac/stats/powermac_8600_300.html 8600/300] at EveryMac.com


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