

ClipGenie is an adware program that "brings rich media content to you, directly to your hard drive. Now you can get all the best movies, games and programs downloaded directly to your computer ... while you sleep! And the best part is ... it's absolutely, totally FREE!"

This program is capable of installing by itself once it enters a computer that is compatible with it. It collects specific information about the advertisements its users view without their consent, and may also register personal data such as street addresses, telephone numbers, postal codes, or even credit card information.

It is hazardous to a computer's capabilities because it constantly downloads media content to its user's hard drive without direct consent. ClipGenie has, in some circumstances, been known to download files that could damage to a computer. It is also known by the name MediaLoads. This program is similar to a backdoor.

This software first began to appear in 2003. The company in charge of its existence is New Harmony Enterprises, stationed in the United Kingdom.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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