- Landy Scott
Landy Scott (born
June 21 ,1919 ) is a formermidget car racing champion. He also served as the President of Badger Midget Auto Racing Association from 1951-1959.Life
Scott was born in the small town of
Oconto, Wisconsin in the northwoods of Wisconsin. His father, George, was alumberjack . His family moved toMilwaukee in southern Wisconsin at the age of five. Landy’s dream of becoming a race driver began as a member ofWally Zale 's pit crew. TheJapan ese had other plans and onDecember 7 ,1942 , they attacked ofPearl Harbor . Days later, Landy was a soldier in theUnited States Army . After theWorld War II , Landy took his military mustering out pay and bought his first Midget race car. Landy, a virtual unknown competed against the nation's greatest racing stars of the 1940s and 1950s. Landy drove his #17 midget racer, powered by an unconventionalStudebaker engine, on a shoestring budget to victories on oval dirt tracks everywhere.Over a two year span (1947 - 1948) Landy won an incredible twenty feature races, with fourteen second place finishes and twelve thirds. Landy also won 33 heat races and semi-features. All totaled, Landy had 151 top 3 finishes over that two year period.
Landy's career highlight was winning the Badger Midget Auto Racing Association's (BMARA) 1947 Championship and eventually becoming the president of BMARA.
Today Landy resides in
Las Vegas, Nevada enjoying retirement.President of BMARA
Between 1951 and 1959, while still racing, Landy served as the President of Badger Midget Auto Racing Association (BMARA}. During that time Landy initiated many changes. Here are a few of the changes implemented by Landy during his tenure as the President of Badger.
* Obtained insurance for the drivers paying $1,000.00 for medical bills or $1,000.00 life insurance. Prior to that, collections were taken and or BMARA money was used to help those injured or who died.
* Implemented awarding trophies for the Point Standing Champion, later adding additional trophies for the top five positions and beyond. (In previous years champions were not awarded trophies).
* Divided the nightly purse to pay all drivers instead of only the top six, helping teams on a small budget race more often.
* Formed the "Tri-State Agreement" between Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin to increase the number of cars at each race. Prior to this agreement high fees, charged by various organizations, made it cost prohibitive for drivers to race in other states, so most remained in their home state. Car count increased dramatically after the agreement.
* Initiated a rule change to require two signatures for any check written by the board of BMARA, insuring the money was spent more wisely. When Landy took office in 1951 there was $58.00 in the BMARA account. When he left office there was over $5,000.00.
* Implemented a dress code to promote a more uniform and professional appearance of the drivers, crew, and staff.
* Increased the number of local tracks to reduce travel time and cost, with a five track weekly circuit (Sun Prairie, Slinger, Cedarburg, Hales Corners and Milwaukee). Prior to the five track weekly schedule, drivers had to drive thousands of miles a week if they wanted to compete as a full time race driver.
* Negotiated with track owners to pay a flat fee (purse), plus a percentage of the gate. Prior to this agreement, track owners only paid a percentage of the gate causing conflict on the actual number in attendance. This arrangement increased purses for drivers.
* Implement a new rule which prohibited a driver from driving in a race within 72 hours of flipping a race car, without a doctor's waiver. Landy was one of the first drivers affected by his own rule when he tried to drive after flipping at Soldier Field without a wavier from a doctor (he didn't drive).
# [http://www.landyscott.com/articles.html Landy Scott scrapbook of newspaper articles]
External links
* [http://www.landyscott.com Official Website]
* [http://www.bmara.com Badger Midget Auto Racing Association (BMARA)]
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