List of the member committees of the Association of European Rarities Committees

List of the member committees of the Association of European Rarities Committees

The following is a list of the European rarities committees and equivalent bodies which comprise the membership of the Association of European Rarities Committees (AERC):

* The Avifaunistische Kommission (Austria)
* The Belarus Ornitho-Faunistic Commission (Belarus)
* The Commission d'Homologation (Belgium - Wallonia) and the Belgische Avifaunistische Homologatiecommissie (Belgium - Flanders)
* BUNARCO and the Bulgarian Society for the protection of Birds (Bulgaria)
* The Cyprus Rarities Committee (Cyprus)
* The Czech Faunistic Committee (Czech Republic)
* Sjaldenhedsudvalget (Denmark)
* Eesti Linnuharulduste Komisjon (Estonia)
* Suomen Lintutieteellisen Yhdistyksen Rariteettikomitea (Finland)
* Comite d'Homologation National and Commission de l'Avifaune Française (France)
* The Deutsche Seltenheitenkommission (Germany)
* The British Birds Rarities Committee and the British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee (Great Britain)
* George Handrinos (Greece)
* The Hungarian Rarities Committee (Hungary)
* Flækingsfuglanefndin (Iceland)
* The Irish Rare Birds Committee (Republic of Ireland)
* The Comitato di Omologazione Italiano (Italy)
* Latvijas Ornithofaunistikas Komisijas (Latvia)
* Petras Kurlavicius (Lithuania)
* The Luxemburger Homologations-Kommission (Luxembourg)
* Birdlife Malta (Malta)
* The Commissie Dwaalgasten Nedelerlandse Avifauna (Netherlands)
* The Norsk Sjeldenhetskomite for Fugle (Norway)
* The Komisja Faunistyczna (Poland)
* The Comité Português de Raridades (Portugal)
* The Societatea Ornitologica Româna (Romania)
* The Slovenska Ornithologicka Spolocnost (Slovakia)
* The Bird Watching & Bird Study Association of Slovenia (Slovenia)
* The Comite de Rarezas de SEO (Spain)
* The Sveriges Ornitologiska Förenings Raritetskommitte (Sweden)
* The Schweizerische Avifaunistische Kommission (Switzerland)
* The Ukrainian Avifaunistic Commission (Ukraine)

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