Hassan Abbasi

Hassan Abbasi

Hassan Abbasi (Dr. Hassan Abbasi) is an Iranian political analyst and strategists, the head of the Center for Doctrinal Analysis [Iran: Suicide Squads Line Up to Strike U.S., New York Post, April 16, 2006 [http://www.nypost.com/news/worldnews/64579.htm nypost.com] ] in the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, an intelligence officer, top official, and former commander for the Corps. In public speeches, he takes credit for establishing and training anti-Israel guerilla organizations such as Hezbollah. In press reports in Western neo-conservative publications, he was reported to have been one of the five Iranian diplomats arrested by United States forces in Irbil, Iraq. This report is false. Hassan Abbasi was not captured by U.S. forces in Irbil, and is in fact in Iran and is still giving lectures at universities throughout Iran on a frequent basis.

He is also a theoretician in the office of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, [Iran's promise: '80 seconds of hell', Dateline D.C., September 5, 2004 [http://pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/opinion/columnists/datelinedc/s_247793.html pittsburghlive.com] ] [No Way Out, National Review, May 26, 2004 [http://www.nationalreview.com/ledeen/ledeen200405260957.asp nationalreview.com] ] and an advisor to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. [http://www.adnki.com/index_2Level_English.php?cat=Terrorism&loid=8.0.303407615&par=0 Terrorism: Europe A Target of Iranian Suicide Bombers (AKI) 26 May, 2006] ] It has been claimed that he is also the "principal foreign policy voice" in the Ahmadinejad administration, although this claim has originated in largely anti-Iranian / pro-Israel neo-conservative circles, such as Benador Associates. [Amir Taheri, [http://www.benadorassociates.com/article/19423 The Last Helicopter] , "The Wall Street Journal", March 29, 2006]

Lesser known in the West is that Abbasi has gained respect in Iran for publicly lambasting even "untouchable" politicians, including ruling Mullahs such as Hashemi Rafsanjani, for their evident financial corruption. He has also been critical of many other powerful politicians, including Iranian intelligence minister Ali Younesi for, among other things, not doing enough to stop the continued trafficking of young Iranian girls as sex-slaves in Dubai.

Abassi is a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war and lectures frequently at universities throughout Iran on various political topics. In one of his speeches he claimed that Iranian strategists have determined, using game theory, that economic sanctions on Iran would result in the price of oil going to $110.00 per barrel, and a military attack on Iran would result in the price of oil reaching up to $400.00 per barrel. Consequently, he argues, any talk in the West of an attack on Iran over its nuclear program is a bluff.

A European-based Iranian opposition group alleges that Hassan Abbasi is a false name. This claim has not been verified by any independent sources.


"Our youths who are ready for self-sacrifice will be more effective in striking an enemy than any missiles system" [http://www.adnki.com/index_2Level_English.php?cat=Terrorism&loid=8.0.303407615&par=0 Terrorism: Europe A Target of Iranian Suicide Bombers (AKI) 26 May, 2006] ]

"If the Minister of Intelligence, Mr. Yunesi, dies of grief at the sight of Iranian girls being sold into slavery, it would serve him right [for failing to stop it] ."دکتر حسن عباسی

External links

Doctrinal Analysis for Security without borders (Center headed by Hassan Abbasi)
* http://www.andishkadeh.ir/"Pro Abbasi" Weblog (Lectures of Hassan Abbasi in Audio & Video Formats)
* http://proabbasi.blogspot.com/

Hasan Abbasi on the "Basij (revolutionary Iranian youth) going to Lebanon and creating Hezbollah. A moment of Pride."
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caVZya0D3EA&fmt=18

Hassan Abbasi English subtitled speech "Lebanese Hezbollah is Unique"
* http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4zUqU2Wl57E

Hassan Abbasi English subtitled speech entitled "The British SAS and SBS are cowards"
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnhiRS37eFc

Hassan Abbasi English subtitled speech entitled "Western exploitation of Iran and other Islamic states"
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weCXdHJj5q4

Hassan Abbasi English subtitled speech entitled "The Purpose of an Islamic Republic"
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT0py7Fb-Ok

Hassan Abbasi English subtitled speech entitled "The destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan by the USA"
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RNujEBKQMw

ee also

* Hassan Rahimpour Azghandi
* Emad Afrough
* Mohammad Khoshchehreh


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