

"For PLAZM magazine, media, or design firm see PLAZM"


species=Human Mutant
publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="X-Force" vol. 1 #116 (July 2001)
creators=Peter Milligan
Mike Allred
powers=Liquid form, flight|

Plazm is a fictional mutant character and superhero in the Marvel Comics Universe, a member of the second team of X-Force. Plazm was created by Peter Milligan (writer) and Mike Allred (artist). He first appeared in "X-Force" vol. 1 #116.

Fictional character biography

Plazm and the other members of X-Force were already well-established, popular superheros when they make their first appearance. In their first detailed mission, they combat drug-happy mutinous tribesmen in North Africa.

Plazm receives low marks from team-leader Zeitgeist and a mental note to move him to defensive positions. The problem was, in Zeitgeist's mind, was that Plazm's kill rate of four percent (though he was shown tearing apart a soldier) is not acceptable.

Later, at home, Plazm uses his mutant powers to help calm the anxiety of his teammate Gin Genie.


The team leader, Coach tells the team he has found a perfect mission, one that would generate lots of good publicity. Money-minded terrorists have taken the boy-band 'Boys R Us' hostage in the music studios of 'Sonic TV'. Rescuing them for free should go good with the focus groups. While a huge crowd awaits outside, the team teleports in courtesy of U-Go Girl. Plazm battles well until an armed helicopter, hovering above the crowd, opens fire.

The only survivors of the entire incident are the rookie Anarchist, U-Go Girl and Doop. Plazm, the other mutants, the terrorists and even the boy band survivors all die in the attack. The helicopter crew is attacked by U-Go Girl and dropped to the pavement far below.

Powers and abilities

He could transform himself into a liquid state. He could fly and tranquilize others on contact.

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