Fan Boy

Fan Boy


character_name=Fan Boy
real_name=Arthur "Arnie" K. Lundberg
species=Human Mutant
publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="X-Statix" #1
creators=Peter Milligan, Mike Allred
aliases=Mysterious Fan Boy
powers=Molecular manipulation,
Energy manipulation|

Fan Boy (Arnie Lundberg) is a comic book character in the "X-Statix" series. He is a mutant with superhuman powers in the Marvel Comics Universe.

Fictional character biography

Arnie Lundberg is a mutant who was born with the right hand side of his face hideously scarred. Children in his local town mocked and ridiculed him, as did many others. The result of this was a beating that left him badly hurt and comatose. As he lay comatose, he heard the recorded voice of Edith Sawyer (U-Go Girl), recorded for publicity reasons, which stirred him out of his inert state. He soon revived completely.

Arnie Lundberg claimed to be the biggest X-Force fan in the world, especially of U-Go Girl. He blamed the Orphan for killing his favorite member. It was eventually revealed that he was a mutant and was using his powers to control a small town in the Midwest. He was also psychically sending images of U-Go Girl into the Orphan's mind in hope that Guy would attack him. Preparing for the attack, he unleashed an army of the dead to attack Solomon O'Sullivan's superteam, "O-Force". The Orphan arrived and saved the team and confronted Arnie. Arnie sent him flying out a window and into the undead army. Guy was saved by X-Statix and Guy convinced Arnie to turn his powers to healing the mess he has caused. The Orphan then nominated Arnie for X-Statix membership so that they could keep an eye on him.

Arnie joined the X-Statix as the "Mysterious Fan Boy", with his identity concealed from the public with a mask. Lacuna, who could move between seconds, removed his mask on live TV, revealing his identity to the world. To prove that he has changed his ways, "Fanboy" joined X-Statix on a mission against the indestructible Razorhead where he had a heart attack after killing Razorhead and saving the team. After he died, the Orphan argued with Lacuna over his decision to have Lacuna inject him with a chemical that caused Arnie's heart attack.

Powers and abilities

He was a mutant reality warper who could bend the world around him at will. He could restructure matter, both organic and inorganic, teleport objects or/and beings, etc. He could also raise and animate corpses, though that is probably just a use of his other powers. However, he apparently could not heal his scarred face.

External links

* [ Marvel Appendix: Fan Boy]

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