Estonian Lutheran Association of Peace — The Estonian Lutheran Association of Peace (Estonian: Eesti Luterlik Rahuühendus) is a conservative laestadians organization in Estonia. It has one Association of Peace in Tartu. It does mission work in Tallinn, Tartu and Southeast Estonia. It… … Wikipedia
Peace Scouts — could refer to: *the name for the original Girl Guides of New Zealand *Peace Scouts of California, a pre BSA Scouting association *National Peace Scouts, a loose federation of Boy s Life Brigade and the British Boy Scouts *Peace Boy Scouts,… … Wikipedia
Peace Journalism — Peace Media , Conflict Resolving Media , Conflict Sensitive Journalism , Conflict Solution Journalism , Reporting the World , Constructive Conflict Coverage, and Peacebuilding Media redirect here. A comparison of peace journalism and war… … Wikipedia
Peace and conflict studies — Peace Research redirects here Peace and conflict studies is a social science field that identifies and analyses violent and nonviolent behaviours as well as the structural mechanisms attending social conflicts with a view towards understanding… … Wikipedia
Peace Corps — logo (1961) Agency overview Formed March 21, 1961 Headquarters Washington, D.C … Wikipedia
Peace Arch Park — is a park straddling the International Boundary between the United States and Canada at the extreme western end of the main contiguous section of the two countries land border, where it reaches Semiahmoo Bay of Puget Sound on the continent s… … Wikipedia
Peace People — (PP, aussi connu comme Community of the Peace People, Northern Ireland Peace People, Women s Peace Movement) est un mouvement pacifiste pendant le conflit nord irlandais. En août 1976, un membre de l IRA provisoire est abattu à Belfast par l… … Wikipédia en Français
Peace churches — are Christian churches, groups or communities advocating Christian pacifism. The term historic peace churches refers specifically to three church groups: the Church of the Brethren, the Mennonites, and the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).… … Wikipedia
Peace and Sport — Peace and Sport, « L Organisation pour la Paix par le Sport » est une organisation internationale, se décrivant comme neutre et apolitique, basée en Principauté de Monaco, et placée sous le haut patronage du Prince Albert II de Monaco.… … Wikipédia en Français
Association Nationale Des Étudiants En Médecine De France — Logo de Association nationale des étudiants en médecine de France Contexte général Fiche d’identité Forme juridique Association loi de 1901 Fondation … Wikipédia en Français