Ray LaHood

Ray LaHood

name =Ray LaHood

date of birth=birth date and age|1945|12|06
place of birth =Peoria, Illinois
state = Illinois
district = 18th
term_start =January 3, 1995
preceded = Bob Michel
succeeded = Incumbent
party =Republican
spouse = Kathy LaHood
religion = Roman Catholic
alma_mater=Bradley University
residence=Peoria, Illinois
occupation=high school teacher, political assistant

Raymond H. "Ray" LaHood (born December 6 1945), American politician, has been a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives since 1995, representing downstate ushr|Illinois|18| ( [http://nationalatlas.gov/printable/images/preview/congdist/il18_109.gifmap] ). He has gained national notoriety, especially among C-SPAN viewers, as the presiding officer of more debates than any other member. Most notably, he presided over the impeachment vote against President Bill Clinton.

Early life and career

He was born in Peoria, Illinois and was educated at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, from which he earned a degree in education. He was a high school teacher teacher, director of the Rock Island County Youth Services Bureau, and an aide to Representatives Tom Railsback and Robert Michel before entering politics. He served as a member of the Illinois House of Representatives for one term between 1982 and 1983. He is of Lebanese descent, as are Senator John E. Sununu, Representatives Darrell Issa and Charles Boustany, and Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. LaHood is a member of the Republican Main Street Partnership.

LaHood was said to be considering a challenge to Governor Rod Blagojevich's re-election bid in 2006, but on August 18, 2005 he ruled out a run, saying few outside his district would know him.

In 2006, LaHood beat veteran Steve Waterworth [ [http://www.waterworthforcongress.com/ Waterworth for Congress ] ] by a margin of 147,108 (67%) to 71,106 (33%) [ [http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2006/pages/results/states/IL/H/18/district.html CNN.com - Elections 2006 ] ] .

A strong advocate for advancing the legacy of Abraham Lincoln, LaHood authored a law that established the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, which lay the groundwork for celebrating the 16th president's 200th birthday in 2009. He also has been a lead Capitol Hill supporter for the Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield and is one of 15 members on the ALBC.

In 2007 LaHood was considered for candidacy to become the president of his alma mater Bradley University, following the departure of David Broski. [ [http://www.pjstar.com/stories/060207/TRI_BDCSEU8I.007.php] ] However, LaHood decided against applying for the position [ [http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/lahood-stays-put-2007-07-10.html TheHill.com - LaHood stays put ] ]

He supported the move to invest $700 billion in Wall Street to aid the economy in October 2008.

On July 26, 2007, LaHood stated he will not seek re-election in 2008 and will retire when his current term expires in January 2009. [ [http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics/blog/2007/07/lahood_will_not_seek_reelectio.html The Swamp: LaHood will not seek re-election ] ]

Committee Assignments

*Appropriations Committee
**Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
**Subcommittee on Legislative Branch
**Select Intelligence Oversight Panel (Ranking Member)

ee also

*United States House of Representatives elections in Illinois, 2008


External links

* [http://www.house.gov/lahood/ U.S. Congressman Ray LaHood] official House site
* [http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Ray_LaHood SourceWatch Congresspedia — Ray LaHood] profile
* [http://www.raylahood.com/ Congressman Ray LaHood] official campaign site

* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/01/AR2007080102050.html Washington Post - A Setback for Civility] August 2, 2007
* [http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/lahood-stays-put-2007-07-10.html The Hill - LaHood staying put] July 10, 2007
* [http://www.pjstar.com/stories/060207/TRI_BDCSEU8I.007.php Peoria Journal Star — LaHood Ponders Post] June 2, 2007

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