

Tejada is a common Hispanic surname that may refer to:


* Alberto Tejada Noriega (born 1956), former Peruvian football referee
* Cosme Gómez Tejada de los Reyes (died c. 1661), writer, poet and dramatist
* Francisco Jiménez Tejada (born 1986) Spanish footballer
* John Tejada (born 1974), Mexican-American music producer
* José Luis Tejada Sorzano (1882–1938), President of Bolivia
* Lidia Gueiler Tejada (born 1921), President of Bolivia
* Luis García Meza Tejada (born 1932), former Bolivian dictator
* Luis Tejada (born 1982), Panamanian football striker
* Manuel de Velasco y Tejada
* Miguel Lerdo de Tejada (1812–1861), Mexican statesman and leader of the Revolution of Ayutla
* Miguel Tejada (born 1974), Dominican baseball player
* Raquel Tejada (born 1940), Spanish-American actress
* Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada (1823–1889), jurist and Liberal president of Mexico


*Tejada, Burgos
*Puerto Tejada, Cauca, Colombia

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