People's Party of Republicans and Conservatives

People's Party of Republicans and Conservatives

People's Party of Republicans and Conservatives ("Vabariiklaste ja Konservatiivide Rahvaerakond") was an Estonian political party, which existed under this banner from 1994 to 1998.


It was founded in September, 1994 after Pro Patria split and some national conservative members left, among these Enn Tarto. The founders of the new party came mostly from former Conservative People's Party and Republicans' Coalition Party members (these two parties had formed electoral cartel "Isamaa" (Pro Patria) in 1992 together with Christian Democratic Party and Christian Democratic Union).

"People's Party of Republicans and Conservatives" contested 1995 parliamentary election under the banner of "Right-wingers" ("Parempoolsed"). The list got 27,053 votes (5.00%) and thus managed to pass the threshold, gaining 5 seats in Riigikogu. The party remained in opposition throughout the 4 year term.

In May 1998, the party merged with non-parliamentary Peasant's Party ("Talurahvaerakond"), forming the new People's Party ("Rahvaerakond"). Toomas Hendrik Ilves was chosen as the first party leader. As the new party was unlikely to pass the Riigikogu threshold of 5%, it was soon decided to co-operate with possible parters. The People's Party decided to participate the 1999 election within Moderates' list, leading a couple of nationalists leave the party (e.g Mart Nutt, who joined Pro Patria Union list). [cs icon [ Central Europe Review - Estonia: Right-wing socialists ] ] The People's Party and Moderates finally merged on November 27, 1999, forming "People's Party Moderates".

Later, after election disasters in 2002 and 2003, this party reformed and renamed itself Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond.


*Toomla, Rein, "Eesti Erakonnad", Tallinn, 1999

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