

Kliché was a Danish new wave band (1977-1985), influenced by Kraftwerk, punk rock, Devo, and David Bowie. They had, however, a distinct sound mainly due to lead singer Lars Hug's original voice. They would semi-ironically quote Mao and Buddha and perform in uniforms - often coloured overalls.

Lead singer, Lars Hug (later Lars H.U.G.), began his solo career in 1984 and has released several albums.After Hug left the band, the remaining members released a single album titled "Dobbelt Plus" under the name Voss Torp Brill. Another member, Nils Torp, later formed the band Souvenirs together with Sofie Bonde.


*"Militskvinder / Farvel" (1979)
*"Aldrig mere / Militskvinder" (1980)
*"Bravo Charlie / Patrulje" (1982)
*"Patrulje / Okay Okay Boys" (1982)
*"Bravo Charlie / Oppenheimers formiddag" (1982)


*"Supertanker" (1980)
*"Okay Okay Boys" (1982)

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