3C 75

3C 75

Infobox Galaxy
name = Active Galaxy pair [http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/sim-id.pl?protocol=html&Ident=3C75 3C75]

epoch = J2000
type = Active binary
ra = RA|02|57|42.63
dec = DEC|+06|01|04.8
z = +0.0230
dist_ly = ?
appmag_v = +13.93
size_v = 0.741″X0.489″
constellation name = Cetus
notes = contains binary black hole
names = MCG+01-08-027, NGC 1128

3C75 (aka 3C 75) is a binary black hole system in the Abell 400 cluster of galaxies. It has four radio jets (two from each accreting black hole). It is travelling at 1200 kilometers per second through the cluster plasma, causing the jets to be swept back. The binary supermassive black holes are themselves contained in the dumbbell shaped galaxy NGC 1128.

External links

* [http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/sim-id.pl?protocol=html&Ident=3c75&NbIdent=1&Radius=10&Radius.unit=arcmin&CooFrame=FK5&CooEpoch=2000&CooEqui=2000&output.max=all&o.catall=on&output.mesdisp=N&Bibyear1=1983&Bibyear2=2006&Frame1=FK5&Frame2=FK4&Frame3=G&Equi1=2000.0&Equi2=1950.0&Equi3=2000.0&Epoch1=2000.0&Epoch2=1950.0&Epoch3=2000.0 What is known about 3C 75]
* [http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap060412.html Astronomy picture of the day image in radio and X-ray]
* [http://www.nrao.edu/imagegallery/php/level3.php?id=30 NRAO press release]
* [http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/AladinPreview?02%2057%2041.7%20%2B06%2001%2028&ident=MCG%2B01-08-027 Visible image of 3C75 binary]
* [http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Black_Holes_Dance_With_Incredible_Violence.html Black Holes Dance With Incredible Violence] (SpaceDaily) Apr 12, 2006

* [http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?protocol=html&Ident=MCG%2B01-08-027&NbIdent=1&Radius=2&Radius.unit=arcmin&submit=submit+id Simbad MCG+B01-08-027]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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