Sandra Milo

Sandra Milo

award as best supporting actress for each film.

Until discovered by Fellini, Milo played mostly in comedies and melodramas. After she got married, she retired from her acting career. Though reluctant to make a comeback, Fellini convinced her to take on the role of the sexy, lightheaded mistress opposite Marcello Mastroianni in "8½". The movie, which won universal acclaim, failed to change the public perception of her and although she was cast in "Juliet of the Spirits", most of her following endeavors were second-rate films. She retired again from acting in 1968, only to make a second comeback in 1979. Her roles have shifted from that of the temptress to more stern middle-aged women.

In 2006/07 she toured Italy with the theatrical adaptation of "8 Women".


*Il generale della Rovere directed by Roberto Rossellini, 1959
*Classe tous risques by Claude Sautet, 1960
*Adua e le compagne by Antonio Pietrangeli, 1960
* by Federico Fellini, 1963
*Giulietta degli Spiriti by Federico Fellini, 1965
*L'ombrellone by Dino Risi, 1966
*Il cuore altrove by Pupi Avati, 2003


*She admitted in a 1997 interview to being Federico Fellini’s real-life mistress (her character in "8½", Carla, was the mistress of Guido, Fellini’s alter-ego).

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