

Holten is a small village in the Dutch province of Overijssel, with approximately 9,000 inhabitants. Holten is located in a woody area, just south of the Holterberg. This hill, which is abut 65m high, is part of the "Sallandse Heuvelrug" National Park. This National Park is the only area in the Netherlands in which the black grouse (in Dutch: De korhoen) can be found. This bird is protected to prevent losses to hunting. In the breeding season, parts of the National Park are closed to the public.

Holten hosts the Netherlands' 2nd largest WWII-cemetery with mostly Canadian casualties of war. This cemetery is located about 3 km north-east of the Holten railroad station, in the woods. There are only dirt roads to this cemetery, which make it difficult for visitors to reach it by car.The beautiful location of Holten has fostered important tourism in the village, which has a few very good hotels and camping sites. During the summer, the number of tourists exceed the number of locals.

Holten is located on the main rail line between Deventer and Almelo. The train stops once per hour there; in the rush hours, twice per hour).


External links

* [http://www.kuijsten.de/atlas/ov/holten.html Map of the former municipality in 1868]

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