Bernard-Roger of Foix

Bernard-Roger of Foix


He was the son of count Roger I of Carcassonne. His elder brother, Raymond I of Carcassonne inherited the county of Carcassonne and the remaining part of the lordship of Comminges. Bernard Rogers comital status is attested in the donation to the Abbey of Saint-Hilaire in 1011.

He is the founder of the House of Foix which ruled that county for centuries. During his father's lifetime, he married Arsinde, or Garsenda, the heiress of the county of Bigorre.

He built the square tower of the castle at Foix in France and made it his capital, from which a town group up. He had endowed the monastery at Foix and in it he was buried when he died at the ripe old age of seventy-two.

His lands were divided:
* His eldest son, Bernard of Foix, count of Bigorre, took the County of Bigorre.
* His second son, Roger I of Foix, count of Foix, became the first count of Foix, which included the castles of Castelpenent, Roquemaure, Lordat, and several within the county of Toulouse.
* His third and youngest son, Peter of Foix, lord of Couserans, inherited the lordship of Couserans.

External links

* [ Histoire des comtes de Foix] .

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