Lockheed Martin Information Technology

Lockheed Martin Information Technology

Lockheed Martin Information Technology (I&TS) (also known as Lockheed Martin Information & Technology Services & Lockheed Martin Technology Services) is a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin that consists of dozens of smaller companies and units have been acquired and integrated. The company also administers a number of U.S. Government contracts. I&TS includes operations in information technology integration and management, enterprise solutions, application development, aircraft maintenance and modification services, management and logistics services for government and military systems, mission and analysis services, engineering and information services for NASA, and support of nuclear weapons and naval nuclear reactors. The US government accounts for more than 90% of sales.

Business Components / Subdivisions / Affiliations

* Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
* Sandia National Laboratories
* OAO (acquired in 2001)
* ACS gave its IT assets to LMIT and became Lockheed Martin's benefits provider in 2003.
* The Sytex Group (acquired in 2005)
* Aspen Systems Corporation (acquired in January 2006)


*Contract to clean up the Hanford Site in Richland, Washington.
*Interrogator recruitment at Fort Belvoir and Fort Huachuca.
*In 1999 the British government awarded Lockheed Martin U.K. a contract controlling British census info.
*In 2002, a 7-year contract for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Consolidated Information Technology Infrasture Contract (CITIC) program.
*In 2003 a 7-year, $465,000,000 contract to provide services for the CDC.
*In 2004 LMIT conducted a test census in Canada and has been awarded the contract to administer the upcoming Canada 2006 Census.
*In 2004 LMIT was part of a $600,000,000 contract with the Air Force Pentagon Communications Agency.
*As of 2004, a 7-year, $525,000,000 contract with the United States Social Security Administration called the Agency Wide Support Services Contract.
*In 2004, a $700,000,000 contract to provide services for the EPA.
*In 2005, a $800,000,000 contract to provide services for HUD was split with EDS after a protracted battle.
*In 2005, a 10-year contract with the FAA for operating Automated Flight Service Stations (AFSS).
*In 2006, a 6-year $305,000,000 contract for the FBI Sentinel program.


*E-STARS workflow management software.
*CIO-SP2 contract vehicle.

Interrogation Controversy

As part of the ACS and Sytex acquisitions, Lockheed Martin became a contractor for military interrogation. Some of the Sytex interrogators have been linked to Guantanamo Bay [ [http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/habibs-sick-grilling-fbi-watched/2008/05/21/1211182880242.html Habib's sick grilling: FBI watched - World - smh.com.au ] ] , Bagram torture and prisoner abuse and the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandals. In 2004, the GSA was reported to have begun investigating Lockheed's interrogation contracts.


External links

Acquisitions and Contracts

* [http://biz.yahoo.com/ic/111/111089.html Yahoo Finance Reference]
* [http://eagleindustryday.lmit.com/ "Eagle Industry Day" at LMIT"]
* [http://www.tridec.org/FileDisplay.cfm?FileID=931 Article on LMIT/FAA contract]
* [http://www.aspensys.com/ Lockheed Martin Aspen Systems]
* [http://www.ssa.gov/oag/foia/contract/htmactcv.htm SSA contract note]
* [http://www.lockheedmartin.com/wms/findPage.do?dsp=fec&ci=17532&rsbci=0&fti=0&ti=0&sc=400 LM announcement of Sentinel contract]
* [http://www.lockheedmartin.co.uk/news/11.html LM announcement of British 2000 census contract]
* [http://www.pegasusimaging.com/census.htm Details on LM's involvement in British census effort]
* [http://www.oao.com/ OAO redirector]
* [http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/showcase/index.cfm?event=casestudyprint&casestudyid=51487&loc=en_us E-STARS testimonial by Adobe]
* [http://www.hanford.gov/?page=74&parent=62 Hanford contract]
* [http://www.lockheedmartin.com/wms/findPage.do?dsp=fec&ci=13486&rsbci=6&fti=133&ti=0&sc=400 LM announcement of CDC contract]
* [http://www.lmitnet.com/CIO-SP2/team.cfm CIO-SP2 website]
* [http://carolinanewswire.com/news/News.cgi?database=topstories.db&command=viewone&id=972&op=t Article on LMIT/EPA contract]
* [http://www.washingtontechnology.com/news/1_1/daily_news/25876-1.html Article that mentions a Pentagon contract from 2004]
* [http://www.gcn.com/online/vol1_no1/34899-1.html HUD contract]
* [http://www.lockheedmartin.com/wms/findPage.do?dsp=fec&ci=12824&rsbci=0&fti=0&ti=0&sc=400 LMCO announcement of ACS deal in 2003]
* [http://www.hrotoday.com/News.asp?id=1031 ACS deal renewed]


* Sytex / Lockheed Martin CorpWatch interrogation article "Meet the New Interrogators: Lockheed Martin:" [http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=12757] , [http://www.commondreams.org/views05/1104-23.htm] , [http://www.knowledgedrivenrevolution.com/Articles/200511/20051113_US_Private_Inter.htm]
* [http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0704/0702904h1.htm GSA investigates Lockheed]
* [http://www.govexec.com/features/0406-01/0406-01s3.htm "Haunted by Abu Ghraib"]
* [http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/21423/ "An Interrogator Speaks Out"]

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