El Carmen, San José, Costa Rica

El Carmen, San José, Costa Rica

El Carmen District is the first "distrito" of San José Canton, in Costa Rica, and one of the four administrative units that form San José city properly. In despite of its urbanistic importance, the district suffers from the uninhabited peculiarity that features the entire downtown.

Geography and Demography

El Carmen District lies in the north of the canton, limiting (clockwise) with Goicoechea Canton and Montes de Oca Canton from San José Province at the north and east respectively. The District also limits with other districts of San José Canton, Catedral district at the south and Merced District at the west. [ [http://ccp.ucr.ac.cr/bvp/mapoteca/CostaRica/generales/atlas_cantonal_1984/03-San_Jose.pdf Mapa Cantonal del Censo de 1984] , published by the National Institute of Statistics and Census(INEC) and updated by the Central American Population Center (CCP)] This division only had 1.49 km² [ [http://www.mapasdecostarica.info/guiaroja/generales/divadmin/divsj.xls Guías de Costa Rica: Mapas y Lugares] ] and 3,868 inhabitants on June 30th, 2006 (2,595.97 inhabitants per km².) [ [http://www.inec.go.cr/01EstadPoblacion%5C04estimacionesYproyec%5CCalculoDePoblacion/cuadros/C2.%20Poblaci%F3n%20total%20cerrada%20por%20sexo,%20seg%FAn%20provincia,%20cant%F3n%20y%20distrito.%20%20Al%2030%20de%20junio/2006/Junio%202006.xls Población Total Cerrada por Sexo, según Provincia, Cantón y Distrito] , published by the National Institute of Statistics and Census(INEC)]

District Information

This district comprehend several "barrios" or neighbourhoods, like Barrio Amón, Barrio Aranjuez, Barrio La California (part of it), El Carmen, El Empalme, Barrio Escalante and Barrio Otoya. Between its boundaries there is a lot of important institutions and buildings, from government, health and culture of the country.

* Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica. The national congress building.
* Hospital Calderón Guardia. One of the three main hospitals of the country.
* Biblioteca Nacional de Costa Rica. Costa Rica's national and major library.
* Instituto Nacional de Seguros de Costa Rica. Government-controlled monopolic enterprise for Costa Rica's insurance business.



* [http://www.msj.co.cr/archivos_paginas/carmen.html Municipalidad de San José. Distrito Carmen] – Website of San Jose Mayor, includes a map of the district and related info.
* [http://www.avenidacentral.com/san-jose/san-jose/carmen Avenida Central. Distrito Carmen] – Website naming several places on the district.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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