Thomas Huber

Thomas Huber

Thomas Huber (born 18 November 1966 in Palling, Bavaria), is a German climber and mountaineer. He lives in Berchtesgaden with his family.

When they were still young Thomas Huber and his two siblings were taken into the mountains by their father, himself a noted climber known for early fast ascents of now classic climbs.

Since 1992 Thomas Huber has been a state-certified mountain and skiing guide. He is most famous for his achievements in climbing big walls in the Himalaya.

Notable achievements

*1994 First redpoint ascent of The end of Silence (5.13d/X+/8b+), one of the hardest multi-pitch routes in the world at that time
*1996 Free ascent of the Salathé on El Capitan in Yosemite Valley and winter solo ascent of the Eiger north face
*1997 First ascent of the route "Tsering Mosong" (VII+,A3+) on Latok II, 7108m
*1998 First ascent of El Niño on El Capitan, and Free Rider, first free ascent of an El Capitan route on one day with Alexander Huber
*1999 Second ascent of the south west wall of Latok IV (6445m)
*2000 First ascent of the direct north pillar of the Shivling (6543m) with Iwan Wolf and winner of the Piolet d'Or
*2001 First ascent of Baintha Brakk III (6800m), second ascent of Baintha Brakk I (7285m)
*2003 First free ascent of Zodiac (5.13d/X+/8b+) on El Capitan with Alexander Huber
*2004 Speed record on El Capitan, Zodiac in 1:52h
*2007 Speed record on El Capitan, The Nose, in 2:45,45h


*Alexander Huber und Thomas Huber: The Wall. BLV, 2000
*Thomas Huber: Ogre - Gipfel der Träume, BLV, 2002, ISBN 3-405-16374-9

External links

* Biografie

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