Isla del Trocadero

Isla del Trocadero

Isla del Trocadero is an island in the Bay of Cádiz, in Andalusia, Spain.


The island has an area of 5.25 km² and lies in Southern part of the Bay of Cádiz, Southwest of Puerto Real village.

The North of the island is crossed by Spanish National highway N443, which goes from Puerto Real to Cádiz. The industrial area Polígono El Trocadero and the ramp in the National highway named El Trocadero refer to the direct proximity of the island.

Protected area

The Isla del Trocadero belongs to large protected area and a natural park (Parque Natural de la Bahía de Cádiz), with an extension of 100 km². The area is an important damp biotope and landing zone for migratory birds.

Access to the island

The island can be accessed by the ports of Puerto Real and Matagorda. It is particularly interesting for bird watching.


The island has been an important commercial traffic point for a long time. It was also used to repair ships. The San Luis Fort, in the Southern tip of the island, was used as part of the Bay of Cádiz defenses.

The fort, currently in ruins, was captured by French troops on during the Battle of Trocadero, August 30, 1823.

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