

Aufruf (Yiddish: אויפרוף "ofrif","oyfruf, ufruf/ifrif" or אויפרופן "ofrifn") is the Jewish custom of a groom being called up in the synagogue for an aliyah, i.e., recitation of a blessing over the Torah. [] In the Ashkenazi Jewish community the aufruf ceremony is held on the Shabbat before the wedding, while in the Sephardic tradition, it is held on the Shabbat after the wedding.

After the Torah reading, the congregation sings a congratulatory song and the women throw candies at the groom. In non-Orthodox congregations, the bride and groom may be called up to the Torah together. [] It is customary for the family of the groom to invite the congregation to a festive kiddush after the services. []

In the Ashkenazi Orthodox world, the bride does not attend the aufruf because the bride and groom refrain from seeing each other for a week before the wedding. The custom is for the bride to remain at home surrounded by her girlfriends. []

In Israel, the aufruf is known as a "Shabbat Hatan" (lit. groom's Sabbath).

ee also

*Jewish wedding


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