Sutter's Mill

Sutter's Mill

Sutter's Mill was a sawmill owned by 19th century pioneer John Sutter. It was located in Coloma, California, USA at the bank of the American River. Sutter's Mill is most famous for its association with the California Gold Rush. It was here that an employee/partner of Sutter's, James Marshall, on January 24, 1848, found several flakes of gold that would begin the transformation of California from a sleepy outpost to a bustling center of activity. [ [] ] Originally, John Sutter and James Marshall tried to keep the gold secret but eventually the word got out, bringing people from many different cultures to the "Golden" state. The first to document the discovery of the gold were Henry Bigler and Azariah Smith, in their respective diaries. They and several other people working at the mill were discharged veterans of the Mormon Battalion.

The site of the mill is located on the South Fork of the American River. Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park is registered as California Historical Landmark #530.Sutter's Mill is a copy of the original building and looks much like it. It was built with Marshall's own drawings and an early day photo as reference for the recreation of the mill.

The mill was also the namesake and inspiration for a popular song by singer-songwriter Dan Fogelberg.


External links

* [ Discovery of Gold] , by John A. Sutter, "Hutchings’ California Magazine", November 1857. Sutter describes how he wanted a sawmill near the Sacramento and how Marshall told him of the gold.
* ['s+Mill Early photographs, illustrations, and textual references to Sutter's Mill] , via Calisphere, California Digital Library.

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  • Sutter's Mill — en 1850. Reconstrucción actual. Sutter s Mill fue …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sutter's Mill — [sut′ərz] n. a mill, owned by John Sutter (1803 80), northeast of Sacramento, Calif.: discovery of gold near there led to the gold rush of 1849 …   English World dictionary

  • Sutter's Mill — 38°48′00″N 120°53′48″O / 38.8, 120.89667 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sutter’s Mill — James Marshall vor Sutters Sägemühle, hier begann der kalifornische Goldrausch Die Sutter’s Mill (engl. Kurzform für „Sutters Sägewerk“) war ein Sägewerk nahe Coloma am American River in Kalifornien. Am 24. Januar 1848 fand dort der Zimmermann… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sutter's Mill — James Marshall vor Sutters Sägemühle, hier begann der kalifornische Goldrausch Heutige Ansicht des rekonstruierten Sägewerks …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sutter's Mill — Координаты: 38°48′00″ с. ш. 120°53′48″ з. д. / 38.8° с. ш. 120.896667° з. д …   Википедия

  • Sutter's Mill — Sut′ter s Mill′ n. amh. geg the location of John Sutter s mill in California, NE of Sacramento, near which gold was discovered, precipitating the gold rush of 1849 …   From formal English to slang

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  • Sutter's Mill — the location in California, NE of Sacramento, near which gold was discovered in 1848, precipitating the gold rush of 1849. [after J. SUTTER, its owner] * * * …   Universalium

  • Sutter's Mill — the location in California, NE of Sacramento, near which gold was discovered in 1848, precipitating the gold rush of 1849. [after J. SUTTER, its owner] …   Useful english dictionary

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