En chamade

En chamade

En Chamade (French: "to sound a parley") refers to powerfully voiced reed stops in a pipe organ that are mounted horizontally rather than vertically in the front of the organ case, projecting out into the church. They produce a commanding, loud trumpet-like tone, used for fanfares and solos.

Any stop mounted "en chamade" will be much louder than a stop elsewhere in the organ, even though the stops stand on the same windpressure in church organs. In theatre and concert organs en chamade stops often stand on higher windpressure than the other stops, to sound even more powerful and commanding.

First seen in Iberian organs of the early eighteenth century, where the stop was called the "trompeta real" (Spanish) or "trombeta real" (Portuguese) (royal trumpet) it was first referred to as a trompette "en chamade" in an organ built in Provence in 1772. The term was popularized by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll in his organs of the nineteenth century.

"Chamade" was a trumpet call designed to be heard across the battlefield in the enemy camp, just before a charge.

ee also

List of pipe organ stops

External links

* [http://www.organstops.org/c/Chamade.html Encyclopedia of Organ Stops]
* [http://organ.wicks.com/display_page?p=290 Wicks Glossary of Organ Terms]

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  • chamade — [ ʃamad ] n. f. • chiamade 1570; piémont. ciamada « appel »; it. chiamare « appeler » 1 ♦ Vx Appel de trompettes et de tambours par lequel des assiégés informaient les assiégeants qu ils voulaient capituler. 2 ♦ Mod. Loc. BATTRE LA CHAMADE :… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • chamade — CHAMADE. s. f. Signal qu on fait avec le son de la trompette ou du tambour, pour advertir les ennemis qu on veut faire quelque proposition dans une place assiegée, particulierement pour capituler. Battre la chamade. respondre à une chamade. la… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • chamade — CHAMADE. subs. f. Signal que les assiégés donnent avec la trompette ou le tambour, ou en arborant un drapeau blanc, pour demander à capituler. Battre la chamade. Répondre à une chamade. La brèche étant faite, les assiégés battirent la chamade …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Chamade — Cha*made, n. [F. chamade, fr. Pg. chamada, fr. chamar to call, fr. L. clamare.] (Mil.) A signal made for a parley by beat of a drum. [1913 Webster] They beat the chamade, and sent us carte blanche. Addison. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Chamade — (Schamad), Signal mit Trompete oder Trommel, von den Belagerten gegeben zum Zeichen, daß sie capituliren wollen; daher C. schlagen …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • chamade — [shə mäd′] n. [Fr < Port chamada < chamar < L clamare, to cry out: see CLAMOR] Mil. Archaic a signal for a parley or retreat, sounded on a drum or trumpet …   English World dictionary

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