Firmin Gillot

Firmin Gillot

Firmin Gillot, father of Charles Gillot (1820-1872), invented in 1852 the paniconography for which he took a patent (photoengraving in relief according to the letterpress on several early plate). Later, he invented a new process, again in relief, but nonphotographic.

Around 1870, his son Charles Gillot developed the Gillotage process(photomechanical). This process would quickly predominate the illustrated newspapers and books of the period, such as for example: Le Charivari,Le Rire, L'assiette au beurre, Gil Blas Illustre, and many others.

Gillot's Paris address in 1875: Vve Gillot and Fils, 175, street of Suburb-Saint-Martin, Paris.

External links

* [] - Features examples of Chromotypographic illustration.
* [ L'assiette au beurre] - Belle epoque Chromotypograph Journal.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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