- Kaykhusraw I
Kaykhusraw I (Arabic/PerB|غياث الدين كيخسرو بن قلج ارسلان, Ghīyāth al-Dīn Kaykhusraw bin Qilij Arslān; _tr. I. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev), the eleventh and youngest son of
Kilij Arslan II , was Seljuk Sultan of Rum. He succeeded his father in 1192, but had to fight his brothers for control of the Sultanate. He ruled it 1192-1196 and 1205-1211.He married a daughter of
Manuel Maurozomes , son of Theodore Maurozomes and of an illegitimate daughter of theByzantine emperor Manuel I Komnenos . Manuel Maurozomes fought on behalf of Kaykhusraw in 1205 and 1206.In 1207 he seized
Antalya from its Frankish garrison and furnished the Seljuq state with a port on theMediterranean .According to
Niketas Choniates , he was killed in single combat by the emperor of Nicaea,Theodore I Laskaris . [Niketas Choniates, "Orationes" 172.1-10.]His son by Manuel Maurozomes' daughter,
Kayqubad I , ruled the Sultanate from 1220 to 1237, and his grandson,Kaykhusraw II , ruled from 1237 to 1246.Footnotes
*Harvard reference | Surname=Varzos | Given=K. | Title=Ē genealogia tōn Komnēnōn | Place=Thessaloniki | Year=1984 , pp. 496-502.
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