Pistol New Zealand

Pistol New Zealand

Pistol New Zealand is the umbrella sporting federation of pistol shooting sports and clubs in New Zealand. Pistol New Zealand was formerly known as the New Zealand Pistol Association (NZPA).


* Action
* Cowboy Action (Cowboy action shooting)
* HMS (Handgun Metallic Silhouette)
* ISSF (International Shooting Sport Federation)
* Muzzleloading
* Practical (International Practical Shooting Confederation)


(The [http://www.pistolnz.org.nz/clubs.asp Pistol New Zealand Clubs Page] has contact details for many of these clubs)

* Akitio Pistol Club
* Alpha Pistol Club
* Amuri Pistol Club
* Ashburton Pistol Club
* Auckland Pistol Club
* Awakeri Shooting Federation
* Cable Bay Pistol Club
* Cave Pistol Club
* Central Hawkes Bay Pistol Club
* Central Otago Pistol Club
* [http://centralshooters.co.nz Central Shooters] - Indoor pistol and rifle club located in central Auckland, New Zealand. Visitors are welcome to attend the club’s open nights each Thursday from 7pm. The range is also available for group bookings.
* Christchurch Pistol Club
* Egmont Pistol Club
* Far North Pistol Club
* Fiordland Firearms Club
* Franklin Gun Club
* Gisborne Pistol Club
* Gore Pistol Club
* Greater Wellington Muzzle Loading Club
* Grey Pistol Club
* Hamilton Pistol Club
* Hampden Pistol Club
* Handloaders Pistol Club
* Hawkes Bay Pistol Club
* Heretaunga Pistol Club
* Hokitika Pistol Club
* IMAS Rifle & Pistol Club
* Invercargill Pistol Club
* Kaikoura Pistol Club
* Kaimai Pistol Club
* Kaitangata Pistol Club
* Kaitoke Pistol Club
* Karamea Pistol Club
* Kerikeri Pistol & Rifle Club
* Levin Pistol Club
* Linton Camp Pistol Club
* Marlborough Pistol Club
* Mid North Pistol Club
* Motueka Pistol Club
* Nelson Pistol Club
* New Plymouth Pistol Club Northern Wairoa Pistol Club
* NZ Small Game Shooters
* Omni Target Club
* Opotiki Shooters Club
* [http://www.freewebs.com/otagopc Otago Pistol Club]
* Otago Sporting Shooters
* Papakura Services Pistol Club
* Paremoremo Shooters Club
* Plains Pistol Club
* [http://www.poriruapistol.org.nz Porirua Pistol Club] - IPSC orientated club. All levels of pistol shooters welcome to come along.
* Rams Creek Pistol Club
* Ranfurly / Naseby Pistol Club
* Rifle Rod & Gun Club
* Rosetown Pistol Club
* Rotorua Black Powder Club
* Rotorua Pistol Club
* Royal NZ Navy Pistol Club
* Shooters Of Auckland
* Taupo Pistol Club
* Tauranga Pistol Club
* Thames Valley Pistol Club
* Timaru Pistol Club
* Toko Pistol Club
* Tokoroa Shooting Complex
* Tongariro Pistol Club
* Trailblazers Pistol Club
* Waikato Black Powder Club
* Waikiti Downs Pistol & Rifle Club
* Waimate Pistol Club
* Waiouru Rod & Gun Club
* Wairarapa Pistol Club
* Waitomo Small Arms Club
* Waiuku Pistol Club
* Wanganui Pistol Club
* Warkworth Pistol Club
* Wellington Pistol Club
* Wellington Target Shooting Club
* Westport Pistol Club
* Whangarei Pistol Club


* [http://www.pistolnz.org.nz Official Pistol New Zealand website]

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