Lucia Bosé

Lucia Bosé

Lucia Bosé (born Milan, 28 January 1931) is an Italian actress, who was at the height of her fame during the period of Italian Neorealism, the 1940s and 1950s. She is the mother of famous Spanish singer Miguel Bosé.

Life and career

After a number of years working in a bakery in her native city, in 1947 she won the Miss Italia beauty contest. Later she acted in Dino Risi’s short "The Five days of Milan", then she made her big screen debut in 1950’s "No Peace Under the Olive Tree". The same year, she gave a performance as Paola Molon in Antonioni's "Story of a Love Affair". In 1953, Michelangelo Antonioni asked her to play Clara Manni in "The Lady Without Camelias" and Juan Antonio Bardem cast her in the lead of "Muerte de un ciclista" (1955). She also appeared in the 1955 "Gli Sbandati". Her career continued to flourish until 1956, when she married Spanish bullfighter Luis Miguel Dominguín, and gave up acting in order to raise their children, Miguel and Paola. Eventually she returned to the screen in the late 1960s, appearing in Fellini's "Satyricon" and the Taviani Brothers' "Under the Sign of Scorpio". She has been active in Italian and Spanish films ever since.

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