

StegFS is a free file system for Linux. It is licensed under the GPL. It was principally developed by Andrew D. McDonald and Markus G. Kuhn. It is a steganographic file system based on the ext2 filesystem.

The last version of StegFS is 1.1.4, released February 14, 2001. This is a development release, with known bugs, such as a file corruption bug. There is no stable release. The last website activity was in 2004. In 2003, Andreas C. Petter and Sebastian Urbach intended to continue development of StegFS, and created a site for it on As of July 2008, that site is in the "Planning" stage, and has released no files.

See also

*Filesystem-level encryption
*List of cryptographic file systems

Further reading

*cite journal |last=Anderson |first=Ross |authorlink= |coauthors=Needham, Roger; Shamir, Adi |year=1998 |month= |title=The Steganographic File System |journal=Lecture Notes in Computer Science |volume=1525 |issue= |pages=73–82 |doi=10.1007/3-540-49380-8_6 |url= |accessdate= |quote=
*cite journal |last=McDonald |first=Andrew D. |authorlink= |coauthors=Kuhn, Markus G. |year=2000 |month= |title=StegFS: A Steganographic File System for Linux |journal=Lecture Notes in Computer Science |volume=1768 |issue= |pages=463–477 |doi=10.1007/10719724_32 |url= |accessdate= |quote=

External links

* [ StegFS] home page
* [ StegFS] on sourceforge
* [ StegFS] research paper -(PDF file)

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