

Affine may refer to:

*Affine cipher, a special case of the more general substitution cipher
*Affine combination, a certain kind of constrained linear combination
*Affine connection, a connection on the tangent bundle of a differentiable manifold
*Affine geometry, a geometry not involving any notions of origin, length or angle
*Affine differential geometry, a geometry that studies differential invariants under the action of the special affine group
*Affine group, the group of all invertible affine transformations from any affine space over a field "K" into itself
*Affine representation, a continuous group homomorphism whose values are automorphisms of an affine space
*Affine scheme, the spectrum of prime ideals of a commutative ring
*Affine (Société), A French Commercial real estate company.
*Affine space, an abstract structure that generalises the affine-geometric properties of Euclidean space
*Affine transformation, a linear transformation followed by a translation between two vector spaces, or equivalently, a transformation that preserves all affine combinations

See also


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  • affine — [ afin ] adj. • XXe; fém. de affin 1 ♦ Biol. Formes affines, présentant des ressemblances ne traduisant pas toujours des liens de parenté. Les sélaginelles sont affines aux lycopodes. 2 ♦ Math. Transformation affine : transformation dans le plan… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • affine — af·fine /a fīn, ə / n [Middle French affin, from Latin affinis, from affinis related, from ad to + finis end, border]: a relative by marriage compare blood relative af·fi·nal / fī nəl/ adj Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law …   Law dictionary

  • affine — [dal lat. affinis confinante ]. ■ agg. [che presenta affinità o somiglianza, anche con la prep. a ] ▶◀ analogo, attinente, conforme, (non com.) congenere, similare, simile, somigliante. ↑ identico, uguale. ◀▶ differente, difforme, dissimile,… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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  • affine — affine1 [ə fīn′, afīn′] n. a person related by marriage affinal adj. affine2 [ə fīn′, afīn′] adj. [< L affinis: see AFFINITY] Math. of or having to do with projecting or mapping a geometric figure on a second plane or surface so that the new… …   English World dictionary

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  • affine — 1af·fì·ne agg., s.m. CO 1a. agg., che assomiglia, conforme, analogo: la biochimica è una disciplina affine alla chimica | fig., simile a qcn. nel carattere, nei gusti, nei comportamenti Sinonimi: analogo, conforme, similare, simile, vicino.… …   Dizionario italiano

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