Stream of consciousness

Stream of consciousness

Stream of consciousness may refer to:

* Ostensibly unedited, spontaneous live or recorded performances, as in film, music, and dramatic and comic monologues, intended to recreate the raw experience of the person portrayed or the performer
* Stream of consciousness writing, a literary technique
* Stream of consciousness (psychology), in psychology

Stream of consciousness may also refer to:
* "Stream of Consciousness" (album), an album by Vision Divine
* "Stream of Consciousness" (song), an instrumental song by Dream Theater on their album "Train of Thought"
* "Stream of Consciousness" (The Outer Limits), an episode of "The Outer Limits"
* The Stream of Consciousness, an online interactive television network

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  • Stream of Consciousness — Исполнитель Dream Theater Альбом Train of Thought Дата выпуска 2003 Жанр …   Википедия

  • Stream of Consciousness — Stream of Con|scious|ness 〈[stri:m əv kɔ̣nʃəsnıs] m.; ; unz.; Lit.〉 (von J. Joyce u. V. Woolf entwickelte) Erzähltechnik, bei der die Gedanken u. Gefühle einer literarischen Figur deutlich gemacht werden, indem der Gedankengang unmittelbar u.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Stream of consciousness — est la sixième chanson de l album Train of Thought du groupe de métal progressif Dream Theater. Elle fut composée par John Myung, John Petrucci, Mike Portnoy et Jordan Rudess. Apparitions Train of Thought (Album) (2003) Live at Budokan (DVD Live) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Stream of Consciousness — Stream of Con|scious|ness [ stri:m əv kɔnʃəsnis] der; <aus engl. stream of consciousness »Bewusstseinsstrom«> Erzähltechnik, bei der an die Stelle eines äußeren, in sich geschlossenen Geschehens od. dessen Wiedergabe durch einen Icherzähler …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Stream of Consciousness — es la sexta canción del álbum Train of Thought, séptimo album de la banda de progressive metal Dream Theater. Se destaca por ser la canción instrumental más larga que ha compuesto el grupo (sin contar del tema recopilatorio Instrumedley). También …   Wikipedia Español

  • stream of consciousness — n the continuous unedited flow of conscious experience through the mind …   Medical dictionary

  • stream of consciousness — n [U] the expression of thoughts and feelings in writing exactly as they pass through your mind, without the usual structure they have in formal writing …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • stream of consciousness — noun uncount the thoughts of a character in a book that are expressed as they happen …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • stream of consciousness — n. Psychol. individual conscious experience regarded as a continuous series of occurrences rather than as separate, disconnected events …   English World dictionary

  • stream-of-consciousness — [strēm′əv kän′shəs nis] adj. designating, of, or using a narrative technique whereby the thoughts, percepts, etc. of one or more of the characters of a novel, short story, etc. are rendered in a direct, free flowing manner …   English World dictionary

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