United Theological College

United Theological College

name=United Theological College

motto=Latin: SICUT FILIUS HOMINIS NON VENIT MINISTRARI SED MINISTRARE ET DARE ANIMAM SUAM REDEMPTIONEM PRO MULTIS". English: "Even as the Son of man is not come to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give his life a redemption for many.
president=Bishop G. Dyvasirvadam
principal=Rev. Dr. S. Israel
city = Bengaluru
state = Karnataka
country = India
coor =coord|12|59|45|N|77|35|56|E|type:edu
address = 63, Miller's Road, Benson Town, Bengaluru 560 042, India
telephone = 091 080 23333438
affiliations=Senate of Serampore College (University), Serampore 712 201, Hooghly District, West Bengal, India
footnotes=Data as of September 2008

United Theological College (UTC) is a theological seminary situated in the southern city of Bengaluru in the state of Karnataka in South India. UTC was founded in 1910 and affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College (University).

Since 1976, it has been granted the status of an autonomous [O. V. Jathanna, Principal's Report 2007-2008, "Saplings", United Theological College, Benson Town, Bengaluru. "p." 2] college under the University.


In the New Testament book of Matthew, Chapter 20:28, it is said "SICUT FILIUS HOMINIS NON VENIT MINISTRARI SED MINISTRARE ET DARE ANIMAM SUAM REDEMPTIONEM PRO MULTIS" which translates into English as "Even as the Son of man is not come to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give his life a redemption for many". [The Latin Vulgate. [http://www.latinvulgate.com/verse.aspx?t=1&b=1&c=20] ] It was Bernard Lucas "(1860-1921), [Mundus, Gateway to missionary collections in the United Kingdom. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://www.mundus.ac.uk/cats/17/273.htm] ] " the founder of the College [S. Manickam, "The United Theological College, A brief history of change and continuity, 1910-2000", UTC, Bengaluru, 2000.] who condensed it to mean "Not to be Served but to Serve".


The Senate of Serampore College (University) to which the College is affiliated is a University within the meaning of Section 2 (f) [Under Section 2 (f) of the UGC Act, 1956, "University means a University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provincial Act or a State Act, and includes any such institution as may, in consultation with the University concerned, be recoginsed by the Commission in accordance with the regulations made in this behalf under this Act." The UGC took the opinion that the Senate fell under the purview of Section 2 (f) of the said Act since "The Serampore College Act, 1918" was passed by the Government of West Bengal. [http://www.senateofseramporecollege.org/act/UGC.htm] ] of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 [The University Grants Commission Act, 1956. [http://www.ugc.ac.in/policy/ugcact1956.html] ] "(as modified up to 20th December 1985)".

In fact, Serampore was the first institution [Murli Manohar Joshi, Higher Education in India Vision and Action, A paper presented at the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education in the Twenty First Century, Paris, 5-9 October 1998. Internet, accessed 22 August 2008. [http://education.nic.in/unhighedu.asp] ] to be given the status of a university in India. ["Ibid"]

The following are the present Officers of the Senate [Officers of the Senate, Senate Web Site, Internet, accessed 3 May 2008 [http://www.senateofseramporecollege.org/administration/senate.htm] ] :
* President - Rev. Dr. John S. Sadananda
* Convenor - Rev. Dr. Lalchungnunga
* Registrar - Rev. Dr. Y. Ravi Tiwari
* Treasurer - Dr. R. L. Hnuni

The Society

A 15-member executive committee steers the United Theological College Society [College Handbook 2008-2009, The United Theological College, 63 Miller's Road, Benson Town, Bengaluru 560 046.] The following are the office-bearers of the college society [College Handbook 2008-2009, "op. cit."] :

* President - Bishop G. Dyvasirvadam
* Principal - Rev. Dr. S. Israel
* Secretary - Rev. J. Jeyakumar
* Treasurer - Sri E. J. H. Vailshery

Principalship is usually up to a prescribed term. The current Principal is Rev. Dr. S. Israel. [Sebastian Kim (Ed.), Christian Theology in Asia, Cambridge University Press 2008. [http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521863087&ss=fro] ] Bishop G. Dyvasirvadam heads the College Council.

The present Registrar of the College is Rev. C. Lalmuankima. [College Handbook 2008-2009, p. 12]

Courses offered

The UTC was granted autonomy in the year 1976 by the Senate of Serampore College (University). The following are the courses offered by the College: [College Handbook 2008-2009.]

* Diploma for Proficiency in Counselling

* Certificate Course in Christian Studies

* Diploma in Young Men's Christian Association Professional Secretaryship

* Bachelor of Divinity

* Master of Theology
** Old Testament
** New Testament
** Christian Ministry / Counselling
** Religions
** Communication
** History of Christianity
** Christian Ethics

* Doctor of Theology


* Divinity School, University of Edinburgh, Scotland [Postgraduate Exchange with UTC, Bengaluru. Divinity School, University of Edinburgh. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://www.div.ed.ac.uk/Student_exch.html] ]

The College has a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Edinburgh wherein a post-graduate student can study a semester in Bengaluru.

* Theological Faculty, University of Basel, Switzerland [University of Basel. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://pages.unibas.ch/theologie/MainEnglish.html] ]


* "The Bangalore Theological Forum", [O. V. Jathanna, "p." 6 [http://books.google.co.in/books?id=jwExJQAACAAJ&dq=bangalore+theological+forum] ] an academic journal brought out twice a year.

* "Masihi Sevak", ["Ibid."] a pastoral magazine with three releases in a year.

Campus life

Mahatma Gandhi visited the College in the year 1927. ["Ibid., p. 5"] The college had been a recipient of prizes from the Mysore Horticultural Society, Bengaluru for well-maintained gardens and lawns. ["Ibid."] Chapel services and a round-the-clock regime including teaching and library hours form part of the day-to-day activities of the budding theologians here. Play time is set apart for the evenings.


The college has a massive library including 200-year old palm leaf manuscripts. The United States Embassy awarded a grant for preservation of these rare palm leaf manuscripts in 2006. [Protecting Historic Treasures: India. Internet, accessed September 16, 2008. [http://newdelhi.usembassy.gov/historictreasuresafcp0907ind.html] ]

Current staff [College Handbook 2008-2009, "pp. 5-8".]

Teaching faculty

* Women's Studies
** Dr. Lalrinawmi Ralte [Ralte holds two doctoral degrees, D. Min. and D. Th..]
** Rev. Dr. Evangeline Anderson Rajkumar

* Old Testament
** Rev. Dr. D. Jones Muthunayagom [Jones earned a D. Th. from SATHRI.]
** Rev. Dr. K. Jesuratnam [Jesuratnam did his Ph. D. from the University of Edinburgh.]
** Rev. Dr. J. R. John Samuel Raj [Samuel Raj pursued doctoral studies at the University of Hamburg.]

* New Testament
** Rev. Dr. Joseph G. Muthuraj [Muthuraj obtained his Ph. D. from the University of Durham.]
** Rev. J. Jeyakumar [Jeyakumar is presently a doctoral candidate at the SATHRI.]
** Rev. Dr. C. I. David Joy [David pursued doctoral studies at the University of Birmingham.]

* Theology and Ethics
** Rev. Dr. O. V. Jathanna [O. V. Jathanna earned a Dr. Theol. from the University of Basel.]
** Rev. Dr. J. Jayakiran Sebastian [Sebastian earned a Dr. Theol. from the University of Hamburg.] "(on extraordinary leave for three years w.e.f. August 2007 [O. V. Jathanna, "op. cit.", "p." 3] )"
** Dr. I. John Mohan Razu [Razu pursued doctoral studies at the South East Asia Graduate School of Theology.]
** Rev. R. Sahayadhas [Sahayadhas holds an M. Th. from the Senate of Serampore College (University).]
** Rev. D. Joseph Prabhakar [Prabhakar also holds an M. Th. from the Senate of Serampore College (University).]
** Rev. Dr. R. Peniel Jesudason Rufus [Rufus obtained a Ph. D. from the University of Kent.]

* History of Christianity
** Dr. Marina Ngursangzeli Behera [Behera studied at the SATHRI for doctoral studies.]

* Mission and Ecumenicism
** Dr. P. T. George [George holds a Ph. D. obtained from the University of Birmingham.]

* Religion and Culture
** Rev. Dr. Abraham Stephen [Stephen obtained a Ph. D. from the University of Otago.]
** Rev. Dr. Jose Abraham [Jose Abraham pursued doctoral studies in Islam at the McGill University.]
** Sri Raghavendra Rao [Raghavendra teaches Kannada.]
** Dr. R. N. Bissy [Bissy teaches Sanskrit.]

* Christian Ministry
** Dr. Nalini Arles [Nalini holds a Ph. D. from the University of Edinburgh.]
** Dr. Joseph George [Joseph George obtained a Th. D. from the Emory University.]
** Rev. Dr. Santosh S. Kumar [Santosh pursued doctoral studies at the University of Melbourne.]
** Rev. Shyam Kumar Basumtary "(on study leave)"

* Communication
** Rev. Dr. Sham P. Thomas [Thomas holds a Ph. D. from the University of Edinburgh.]

* English
** Sri I. P. Santiago

* YMCA Studies
** Sri George Varghese

Visiting faculty

* Dr. Leela Rao
* Rev. Dr. K. C. Abraham
* Dr. G. A. Oddie
* Dr. M. O. John
* Dr. J. C. B. Webster
* Fr. Jeyanathan

Other staff

* Registrar
Rev. C. Lalmuankima

* Public Relations Officer
Sri Vasikiran Williams

* Property Supervisor
Smt. Deepa Jayakar

* Accountant
Sri K. V. Matthew

* Principal's Secretary
Smt. B. Margaret Raymond

* Driver
Sri V. Singarayar

* Receptionist
Smt. Vasanthi

* Office Assistants
Smt. Vasanthi Manohar, Smt. Jean Shana, Smt. Elizabeth Chacko, Sri V. Sasidharan, Smt. A. D. Pouly, Smt. Regina Joshua, Smt. Arpudham Gnanadas

Library Staff
* Librarian
Smt. Rita Wesley

* Assistant Librarian
Smt. Tabitha Shamsundar

* Office Assistants
Smt. Alice Gnanaraj, Smt. Susan Daniel Rajkumar, Sri Jebaraj Samuel, Sri Israel Babu

Service Staff
Sri S. John, Sri S. Suresh, Sri M. Robert, Sri L. Thimmappa, Sri Vincent Paul, Sri Rathnashekar, Sri Sagayaraj, Sri Srinivas, Sri S. Raju

Maintenance Staff
Sri Shanmugam, Sri Sathyadevan, Sri Govindappa, Sri David, Sri T. Moses, Smt. Maria Susai, Sri Reuben, Smt. Lakshmi, Sri M. Rajan, Sri Thirukumar, Sri Sampangi, Sri P. Venkatesh, Sri R. Shankara, Sri George Kennedy, Sri M. Charles

Security Staff
Sri S. Prem Bahadur, Sri Lal Bahadur, Sri Bharat Bahadur, Sri Govardhan Bahadur Khadka, Sri Prem Bahadur Khadka

Men's Hostel Staff
Sri F. Joseph, Sri V. William, Antony

Ecumenical Resource Centre
* Manager
Sri I. Gunaseelan

* Supervisors
Sri Satish Babu, Sri J. R. Naveen

* Store Keeper
Sri Sukumaran

* Cook
Sri B. T. Devaraj

* Others
Smt. Mani, Smt. Chandrakala, Smt. Rebecca

* Service Staff
Sri Venkatesh, Sri J. Ashok, Sri D. Suresh, Sri B. Lokesh, Sri Ramesh

Past staff

* Old Testament
Rev. Dr. E. C. John, Rev. Dr. Theodore N. Swanson [Journal of Dharma, 1982, p. 352, Dharmaram College, Bengaluru. Internet, accessed 24 September 2008. [http://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&q=rev.%20dr.%20t.%20n.%20swanson%20old%20testament&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wp] ] , Rev. James Vijayakumar [Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://www.ltsp.edu/news_events/1999-2000/vijay.html] ] , Rev. Dr. Jules Gomez [London School of Theology. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://www.lst.ac.uk/newsevent.php?newseventid=52] ] , Rev. Dr. Gnana Robinson

* New Testament
Rev. Dr. K. James Carl, Dr. R. A. Martin [R. A. Martin, An Introduction to New Testament Greek Grammar, TPI, Bangalore. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://www.tpibangalore.org/Holyscripture.htm] ]

* Religions
Rev. G. D. Melanchthon, Rev. Dr. Eric J. Lott [Geoffrey Wainwright, Lesslie Newbigin: A Theological Life, Oxford University Press, 2000, ISBN 0195101715, 9780195101713. Page 278. "Eric Lott and Christopher Duraisingh produced "Worship in an Indian Context: Eight inter-cultural liturgies, 1986"."Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://books.google.co.in/books?id=SPnGbU67ZvQC&pg=PA278&lpg=PA278&dq=university+of+cambridge+united+theological+college+bangalore&source=web&ots=EQjYKVr0J-&sig=jkGjR3h2lTHcFlZ6YMu7zycpklw&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=5&ct=result] ] , Rev. Dr. David C. Scott [See David's article "Baptism in the Indian Context -- An Event of Separation or Human Solidarity?" in Religion Online. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://www.religion-online.org/showarticle.asp?title=141] ]

* Church History
Rev. Dr. T. V. Philip [T. V. Philip, The Kingdom of God is Like This, ISPCK, CSS, Tiruvalla. [http://www.religion-online.org/showarticle.asp?title=1540] ]

* Theology
Rev. Joshua Russel Chandran, Rev. Dr. K. C. Abraham, Rev. Dr. Somen Das, J. Paul Rajasekhar [Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://www.tf.uio.no/lo/lck/rajashekar.html] ] , Rev. Dr. Sathianathan Clarke [Sebastian Kim, "op. cit."] , Mary Schaller Blaufuss [Winaindia.com. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://www.winaindia.com/contributors.htm] ]

* CommunicationWilliam F. Fore [Religion Online. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://www.religion-online.org/forebio.htm] ]

* Other subjects
Rev. N. D. Ananda Rao Samuel, Rev. Christopher Duraisingh ["Ibid."] , Rev. Dr. Frederick S. Downs [See Down's "To Serve, Not to be Served, Bengaluru, 1985. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://books.google.co.in/books?id=FwMsHQAACAAJ&dq=united+theological+college,+bangalore+f.s.+downs&lr=] ] ,
Rev. Dr. Gordon D. Kaufman [Harvard Divinity School. Internet, accessed September 16, 2008. [http://www.hds.harvard.edu/faculty/cvs/cv_kaufman-01_2006.pdf] ] , Anne Patell-Gray [Francis Devlin-Glass, Lyn McCredden, Feminist Poetics of the Sacred: Creative Suspicions, Oxford University Press, 2001. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. Page xii. [http://books.google.co.in/books?id=8QjyTExituYC&dq=university+of+cambridge+united+theological+college+bangalore&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0] ] , Clara Beth [Thomas J. Sienkewicz and James E. Betts, Festschrift in Honor of Charles Speel, Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois, 1997. Internet, accessed September 16, 2008. [http://department.monm.edu/classics/Speel_Festschrift/AboutContributors.htm] ] , Dr. Kima Pachuau [Ashbury Theological Seminary. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://www.asburyseminary.edu/online-chapel/kentucky/previous-chapels/ky-fa07] ] , Rev. Harold Keeling Moulton [Janus, BFBS Archives. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=EAD%2FGBR%2F0374%2FBSA%2FF3%2FMoulton] ] , Rev. Dr. James M. Gibbs [New Testament Research. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://newtestamentresearch.com/NT%20Research-Mk%202/] ] , Rev. Dr. Lalsangkima Pachuau [Princeton Theological Seminary. Internet, accessed 16 September 2008. [http://www.ptsem.edu/PUBLICATIONS/inspire/11.1/classnotesfall2006.php] ]

See also

Indigenous Theologians
* Rev. Dr. B. V. Subbamma
* Rev. Fr. Dr. D. S. Amalorpavadass

Past Registrar
* Rev. D. S. Satyaranjan


See also

* Senate of Serampore College, Serampore, West Bengal
* Gurukul Lutheran Theological College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
* Karnataka Theological College, Mangalore, Karnataka
* Tamil Nadu Theological Seminary, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
* Association of Theologically Trained Women of India
* Andhra Christian Theological College, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh

External links

* [http://www.utcbangalore.org/ Official site of United Theological College]

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