Scott Granneman

Scott Granneman

Scott Granneman is an author and a monthly columnist at [ SecurityFocus] and Linux Magazine. He is also an adjunct professor at Washington University in St. Louis.


Granneman has worked with schools and teachers to help them apply the power of technology, especially the Internet, the World Wide Web, and Intranet systems, by integrating these new technologies into the curriculum and the school environment.


* Granneman, Scott. [ "Don't Click on the Blue E!: Switching to Firefox"] . O'Reilly (2005), ISBN 0-596-00939-9.
* Granneman, Scott. [ "Hacking Knoppix"] . Wiley Publishing (2006), ISBN 0-7645-9784-1
* Granneman, Scott. [ "Linux Phrasebook"] . Sams (2006), ISBN 0-672-32838-0
* Mazzoni, Dominic and Scott Granneman. [ "Podcasting with Audacity: Creating a Podcast with Free Audio Software"] . Prentice Hall (2007), ISBN 0-13-236657-6


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