- Roland and Rattfink
"Roland and Rattfink" is a series of animated shorts produced and released from 1968 to 1971. The main characters also made several guest appearances on the "The Pink Panther" animated series. The series was produced by
David H. DePatie andFriz Freleng .Plot
The cartoons concerned blonde, good-looking, pacifist Roland and the many attempts by the evil, mustachioed Rattfink to ruin his good time. The cartoons were surprisingly off-beat and painted the two characters as extreme polar opposites. Roland seemed to parody the peace-loving, 'Make Love, Not War,' long-haired 'good guy' as a gentle, kind, and soft-hearted youth. Rattfink was, however, a cynical, mischievous, negative and malicious man (appearing older than Roland) out to destroy anything happy or positive. Roland and Rattfink were both voiced by Leonard "Lennie" Weinrib.
"Hurts and Flowers" (one long, running joke about Rattfink destroying Roland's daisies) concluded with Rattfink getting killed and Roland leaving daisies on his grave. When Roland walked away, Rattfink's ghost rose from the grave to throw the flowers at him. Seventeen cartoons were produced.
*"Hawks and Doves" ("Hawley Pratt")1969
*"Hurts and Flowers" ("Hawley Pratt")
*"Flying Feet" ("Gerry Chiniquy")
*"The Deadwood Thunderball" ("Hawley Pratt")
*"Sweet and Sourdough" ("Art Davis")
*"A Pair of Sneakers" ("Art Davis")1970
*"Say Cheese, Please" ("Art Davis")
*"A Taste of Money" ("Art Davis")
*"The Foul Kin" ("Grant Simmons")
*"Bridgework" ("Art Davis")
*"Robin Goodhood" ("Gerry Chiniquy")
*"War and Pieces" ("Art Davis")
*"Gem Dandy" ("Gerry Chiniquy")1971
*"Trick or Retreat" ("Art Davis")
*"The Great Continental Overland Cross Country Race" ("Art Davis")
*"A Fink in the Rink" ("Art Davis")
*"Cattle Battle" ("Art Davis")DVD Release
*The series has yet to be released to DVD from
MGM Home Entertainment /20th Century Fox Home Entertainment .Links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.