William Plane Pycraft

William Plane Pycraft

William Plane Pycraft (1868 - 1942) was an English osteologist. [Thompson, Keith. 1991. Clark University. Piltdown Man: The Great English Mystery Story. [http://www.clarku.edu/~piltdown/map_prim_suspects/ABBOTT/Abbot_defense/piltman_englishmystery.html ] ]

Pycraft was born in Yarmouth. In 1892 he became assistant to Edwin Ray Lankester, and in 1898 moved with Lankester to the staff of the Natural History Museum. In 1907 Pycraft took charge of osteology at the museum.

Pycraft wrote many articles and books on natural history, including "The Story of Bird-Life" (1900), "The Story of Fish-Life" (1901), "The Story of Reptile Life" (1905), "The British Museum of Natural History" (1910), "A History of Birds" (1910), "The Infancy of Animals" (1912), "The Courtship of Animals" (1913), "Birds in Flight" (1922), "Camouflage in Nature" (1925) and "Birds of Great Britain and their Natural History" (1934).


*cite book | last = Stearn | first = William T. | year = 1981 | title = The Natural History Museum at South Kensington: A History of the British Museum (Natural History), 1753-1980 | publisher = Heinemann | location = London | id = ISBN 0-434-73600-7

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