Sico of Benevento

Sico of Benevento

Sico I (c. 758–832) was the Lombard prince of Benevento from the 817 to his own death in 832 or 834. Before that, he was the gastald of Acerenza. On the assassination of Grimoald IV, Sico succeeded to the princely throne. He made the same empty pledges of tribute and fealty to the Emperor Louis the Pious which Grimoald had made. He tried to extend the principality at the expense of Byzantium. He besieged Naples at an unknown date (perhaps c.831), but could not take the city. He did, however, remove the body of Saint Januarius, who had been bishop of Benevento. It was also Sico who founded the line of Capuan rulers by bestowing that ancient town on Lando I as gastald. Lando honoured his benefactor by naming his first castle Sicopolis. Sico died and was succeeded by his son Sicard.

Sico's daughter Itta (or Ita or Itana), married Guy I, duke of Spoleto.

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