

Infobox Settlement
official_name = Buaale
other_name =
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pushpin_map_caption =Location in Somalia
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = flag|Somalia
subdivision_type1 = Somalia
subdivision_name1 = Jubbada Dhexe
subdivision_type2 = District
subdivision_name2 =
subdivision_type3 =
subdivision_name3 =
subdivision_type4 =
subdivision_name4 =
government_footnotes =
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leader_name1 =
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area_magnitude =
unit_pref =Imperial
area_footnotes =
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area_water_sq_mi =
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area_metro_sq_mi =
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population_density_metro_km2 =
population_density_metro_sq_mi =
population_urban =
population_density_urban_km2 =
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population_blank1_title =Ethnicities
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latd=1|latm=5|lats=0 |latNS=N
longd=42 |longm=35|longs=0 |longEW=E
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coordinates_type = type:city_region:SO
timezone =East Africa Time
utc_offset = +3
timezone_DST =
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postal_code_type =
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Bu'aale is the capital town of Jubbada Dhexe, in southern Somalia in the Jubba River valley. It is situated in Middle Juba, or Jubbada Dhexe. (juuh-bad-duhh-theh-heh).

During the Somali government era Buaale was among the few somali cities that had rich texture, farming, and livestock. Majority of the inhabitants came from the Cowlyahan, Ogaden tribe. Others including Dabare and Ajuuraan clans resided the outskirts of the city.The most powerful army that secured the city and its surroundings were the Guulwadayaashe led by Lieutenant Colonel Mohamed Suber Ahmed and Major Ilyas Haji.During the civil war, Bu'aale was raided was General Mohamed Farah Aideed but was forcefully defeated by small army of Cowlyahan Fighters named Isqalajis. They secured the city, and brough stability for the residents of Bu'aale going forward. Many donor organizations arrived during the 1990s helping the poor and the flood victims and rebuilt most of the city.The People of Bu'aale are the smartest of most Somalis being able to deal with and make alliance with any polical movement during the 2000s including the Islamic courts Union, the Transitional Governments, the Etheopians, and Re-liberation of Somali groups.Bu'aale is the most peaceful city in South Somalia with peace, tranquality, and God-fearing communities full of passion, civilization and oneness.

Floods of 2006

Flooding along the Juba River valley caused a humanitarian crisis in the midst of civil war.

On December 27, the World Food Programme (WFP) stated it had to hire aircraft and helicopters for airdrops and hire boats in Bu'aale to deliver food to stranded refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) along the flooded river banks: "WFP-hired boats based in Buale on the Juba River in Middle Shabelle region have delivered 150 tons of food to communities isolated by floods." [http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/WFP/03e13b56cb0c20a606798e3b6feed7f1.htm WFP airdrops food into flood-stricken Somalia and Kenya] WFP]

War in Somalia

After the victory at the Battle of Baidoa, on December 29, Transitional Federal Government (TFG) forces under now-Defense Minister (and former head of the JVA) Barre Adan Shire Hiiraale entered Bu'aale and were defeated pretty bad. [http://somalinet.com/news/world/Somalia/6281 Ethiopia-Somalia forces seize control of southern Buale city] SomaliNet]


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