Year 1487 (MCDLXXXVII) was a common year starting on Monday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar.

Events of 1487

* January 29 - Richard Foxe becomes Bishop of Exeter.
* March - Archduke Sigismund of Austria, largely on the poor advice of his councillors, declares war on Venice and seizes silver mines in and around the Valsugana Valley.
* May 24 - Lambert Simnel is crowned King "Edward VI of England" in Christchurch Cathedral, Dublin, Ireland. He claims to be Edward, Earl of Warwick and challenges Henry VII for the throne of England.
* June 16 - Battle of Stoke Field: The rebellion of pretender Lambert Simnel, led by John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln, and Francis Lovell, 1st Viscount Lovell, is crushed by troops loyal to Henry VII.
* August - Bartolomeu Dias leaves Lisbon on his voyage to the Cape of Good Hope.
* September 9 - Hongzhi becomes Emperor of China (Ming dynasty).
* The witch-hunter manual "Malleus Maleficarum" is published.
* Aztec emperor Auitzotl dedicates the Great Temple Pyramid of Tenochtitlán with thousands of human sacrifices.
* The Spanish take Málaga.
* Italian architects begin to build the Kremlin in Moscow.


* February 8 - Ulrich, Duke of Württemberg (d. 1550)
* April 10 - William I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg (d. 1559)
* July 16 - Andrea del Sarto, Italian painter (d. 1531)
* July 17 - Ismail I, Shah of Persia (d. 1524)
* September 10 - Pope Julius III (d. 1555)
*"date unknown"
**Amda Seyon II, Emperor of Ethiopia (d. 1494)
**Magdalena de la Cruz, Franciscan nun of Cordova (d. 1560)
**Fray Tomás de Berlanga, Bishop of Panama (d. 1551)
**Piotr Gamrat, Polish Catholic archbishop (d. 1545)
**Stanisław Kostka, Polish noble (d. 1555)
**Pedro de Mendoza, Spanish conquistador (d. 1537)
**Michael Stifel, German mathematician (d. 1567)
**Giovanni da Udine, Italian painter (d. 1564)
**Peter Vischer the Younger, German sculptor (d. 1528)


* March 21 - Nicholas of Flue, Swiss hermit and saint (b. 1417)
* June 16 - John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln (b. c. 1463)
* June 26 - John Argyropoulos, philosopher
* July 16 - Charlotte of Cyprus, daughter of John II of Cyprus (b. 1436)
* September 9 - Chenghua Emperor of China (b. 1447)
* September 30 - John Sutton, 1st Baron Dudley, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (b. 1400)
* October 22 - Antonio Bettini, religious writer (b. 1396)
*"date unknown"
**William FitzAlan, 16th Earl of Arundel (b. 1417)
**Tlacaelel, high priest of Tenochtitlán (b. 1397)

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