- Stephy Fantasy
Infobox Album
Name = Stephy Fantasy
Type = studio
Artist =Stephy Tang
Released = March 28, 2006
Recorded =
Genre =Cantopop
Length =
Label =
Producer =Gold Label Records
Reviews =
Last album =Coloring Stephy
This album =Stephy Fantasy
Next album =Dating Stephy "Stephy Fantasy" is an album by
Stephy Tang , and it was released onMarch 28 2006 .The tracks on the album are:
# 禮物 (Gift)
# 零與零之間 (Between Zero)
# 十分.愛 (A Lot of Love)
# 自由自在 (Free)
# 姊妹淘 (Sisters)
# 被遺棄的公主 (Abandoned Princess)
# 占星術 (The Art of Astrology)
# 蝴蝶飛了 (The Butterfly Flew)
# 天使/魔鬼 (Angel/Devil)
# 蘋果 (Apple)
# So Sweet
# 十分.愛 (A Lot of Love - featuringAlex Fong )
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