Transfer matrix

Transfer matrix

The transfer matrix is a formulation in terms of a block-Toeplitz matrix of the two-scale equation, which characterizes refinable functions. Refinable functions play an important role in wavelet theory and finite element theory.

For the mask h, which is a vector with component indexes from a to b,the transfer matrix of h, we call it T_h here, is defined as:(T_h)_{j,k} = h_{2cdot j-k}.More verbosely:T_h =egin{pmatrix}h_{a } & & & & & \h_{a+2} & h_{a+1} & h_{a } & & & \h_{a+4} & h_{a+3} & h_{a+2} & h_{a+1} & h_{a } & \ddots & ddots & ddots & ddots & ddots & ddots \ & h_{b } & h_{b-1} & h_{b-2} & h_{b-3} & h_{b-4} \ & & & h_{b } & h_{b-1} & h_{b-2} \ & & & & & h_{b }end{pmatrix}The effect of T_h can be expressed in terms of the downsampling operator "downarrow"::T_hcdot x = (h*x)downarrow 2.


* T_hcdot x = T_xcdot h.
* If you drop the first and the last column and move the odd indexed columns to the left and the even indexed columns to the right, then you obtain a transposed Sylvester matrix.
* The determinant of a transfer matrix is essentially a resultant.:More precisely::Let h_{mathrm{e be the even indexed coefficients of h ((h_{mathrm{e)_k = h_{2cdot k}) and let h_{mathrm{o be the odd indexed coefficients of h ((h_{mathrm{o)_k = h_{2cdot k+1}).:Then det T_h = (-1)^{lfloorfrac{b-a+1}{4} floor}cdot h_acdot h_bcdotmathrm{res}(h_{mathrm{e,h_{mathrm{o), where mathrm{res} is the resultant.:This connection allows for fast computation using the Euclidean algorithm.
* For the trace of the transfer matrix of convolved masks holds:mathrm{tr}~T_{g*h} = mathrm{tr}~T_{g} cdot mathrm{tr}~T_{h}
* For the determinant of the transfer matrix of convolved mask holds:det T_{g*h} = det T_{g} cdot det T_{h} cdot mathrm{res}(g_-,h):where g_- denotes the mask with alternating signs, i.e. (g_-)_k = (-1)^k cdot g_k.
* If T_{h}cdot x = 0, then T_{g*h}cdot (g_-*x) = 0.: This is a concretion of the determinant property above. From the determinant property one knows that T_{g*h} is singular whenever T_{h} is singular. This property also tells, how vectors from the null space of T_{h} can be converted to null space vectors of T_{g*h}.
* If x is an eigenvector of T_{h} with respect to the eigenvalue lambda, i.e.: T_{h}cdot x = lambdacdot x,:then x*(1,-1) is an eigenvector of T_{h*(1,1)} with respect to the same eigenvalue, i.e.: T_{h*(1,1)}cdot (x*(1,-1)) = lambdacdot (x*(1,-1)).
* Let lambda_a,dots,lambda_b be the eigenvalues of T_h, which implies lambda_a+dots+lambda_b = mathrm{tr}~T_h and more generally lambda_a^n+dots+lambda_b^n = mathrm{tr}(T_h^n). This sum is useful for estimating the spectral radius of T_h. There is an alternative possibility for computing the sum of eigenvalue powers, which is faster for small n.:Let C_k h be the periodization of h with respect to period 2^k-1. That is C_k h is a circular filter, which means that the component indexes are residue classes with respect to the modulus 2^k-1. Then with the upsampling operator uparrow it holds:mathrm{tr}(T_h^n) = left(C_k h * (C_k huparrow 2) * (C_k huparrow 2^2) * cdots * (C_k huparrow 2^{n-1}) ight)_{ [0] _{2^n-1:Actually not n-2 convolutions are necessary, but only 2cdot log_2 n ones, when applying the strategy of efficient computation of powers. Even more the approach can be further sped up using the Fast Fourier transform.
* From the previous statement we can derive an estimate of the spectral radius of varrho(T_h). It holds:varrho(T_h) ge frac{a}{sqrt{# h ge frac{1}{sqrt{3cdot # h:where # h is the size of the filter and if all eigenvalues are real, it is also true that:varrho(T_h) le a,:where a = Vert C_2 h Vert_2.

ee also

* Transfer matrix method


* Gilbert Strang: Eigenvalues of (downarrow 2){H} and convergence of the cascade algorithm. "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing", 44:233-238, 1996.

* Henning Thielemann: [ Optimally matched wavelets] , 2006 (contains proofs of the above properties)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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