

Zivildienst (German, translated verbatim to "Civilian Service" although "compulsory paid community service" is more contextually equivalent) is the civilian branch of the national service systems in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It is a means for conscripted persons who are conscientious objectors to fulfill their national service typically in the field of social works (e.g. hospitals, retirement homes, emergency medical services), and sometimes, although rare, in the field of environmental protection, agriculture, and public administration.

"Zivildienst" in Germany

"Zivildienst" is the primary form (by number) of substitution for the conscription in the German armed forces, the "Bundeswehr". Drafted persons must file a petition along with an essay describing the reasons, in order to become recognized as an objector. The "recognized objector" ("anerkannter Kriegsdienstverweigerer") can then either negotiate for an accredited service institution himself, or be assigned an institution.

Since created on October 10, 1973 the "Bundesamt für den Zivildienst (BAZ)" (Federal Office for Civilian Service) is responsible for the petitions, the recognized objectors, and the accreditation of the institutions (and more) by law (mainly "Zivildienstgesetz (ZDG)").

Currently, the German "Zivildienst" has, like the "Wehrdienst" (military service), a service duration of nine months.

It is interesting to note that currently more young men choose to do the "Zivildienst" rather than serve in the armed forces, thus the "Wehrdienst" becoming the (factual) substitute.

"Zivildienst" in Austria

Up until 1975 there was no alternative to the compulsory military service in Austria. To prevent people serving community service instead of military service the conservatives introduced a committee which had a hearing with every man wanting to serve community service. The only accepted reason for one not wanting to perform military service was pacifism. In an effort to guide the applicants to the military service questions like the following were asked: "Going for a walk in the woods, a stranger appears and rapes your girlfriend. How do you react?". Depending on one's reaction they had several options of refusing the application to serve community service.

Simply asserting that one was a pacifist was not enough. One had to thoroughly and rationally explain that one had weighed every argument (on the topic of violence) and the result being pacifism. Immaturity or naivety could be grounds for declining the application. One's criminal record had to be impeccable.

Should one pass this ordeal one had to serve for 10 months, vis-à-vis 8 months for the military service. Further having done community service instead of military service one was not allowed to join the police force seeing as this would contradict one's claims of being a pacifist.The amendment of 1991 ruled, that individuals serving community service were prohibited from owning any weapon for 20 years after the community service, disbanded the committee and simplified the process individuals had to go through to serve community service.

The amendment of 1997 introduced a holiday entitlement of 2 weeks for everybody serving community service, and extended the duration one had to serve to 12 months.

A recent amendment of 2005 reduced the duration of the military and community service to 6 and 8 months respectively.Currently the applicant can chose one of several organisations (mainly NGOs) at which he wants to serve. [ [http://www.zivildienst.at/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=29&Itemid=82 "Geschichte des Zivildienstes", "zivildienst.at"] ]

Most popular choices are serving at one of several emergency medical services (usually serving as a paramedic) and nursing homes. Other options include serving at hospitals, charity organizations or in several ministries.

"Zivildienst" in Switzerland

"See: Swiss Civilian Service"

See also

* Voluntary social year
* Austrian Service Abroad
* Conscientious objector
* Swiss Civilian Service

External links

* [http://www.zivildienst.de/ "Bundesamt für Zivildienst"] (German federal "Zivildienst" agency, in German)
* [http://www.zivildienstverwaltung.at/ "Zivildienstserviceagentur"] (Austrian "Zivildienst" administrator, in German)
* [http://www.zivildienst.at/ "Alles über den Zivildienst"] (Impartial Source for current as well as prospecitve men serving community service, in German)
* [http://www.zivil-dienst.ch/ Swiss Civilian Service] (in German, French, and Italian)
* [http://www.zivi-check.de/ german alternative service place assessment]



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