

In Nuwaubian mythology, Rizq is the planet where the Annunaqi Eloheem are from. Dr. York has claimed to be the Biblical incarnation of "Yaanuwn" the 19th of 24 Elders. [ York, Malachi Z. "The Man From Planet Rizq" Scroll #80 p.23 [http://www.powertalkmedia.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=133] ] .


The word Rizq extends from the Semitic/Arabic term Ar-Razzaq (الرزاق) The 17th name of Allah meaning "the ever providing". ["Rizq and Illyuwn Fact or Fiction" Scroll #151 [http://www.powertalkmedia.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=274] ]


Rizq is said to be the eighth planet of a three-sun system, with 38 moons and 19 planets, called Illyuwn. The three suns are called Utu, Shamash and Apsu (these are also the names of Mesopotamian gods):

Rizq has a very abstract orbit. It goes past Utu first and around to Shamash and up and around to Apsu and back to Utu. The three suns are also moving. The whole motion looks like an atom. As it passes by these 3 suns, it goes through 3 nights in one day. There is a certain point that is called the "Bright Day" where the light from all three suns shine on the planet from all sides, however, this is also the most dangerous point for the planet.York, Malachi Z. "The Man From Planet Rizq" Scroll #80 [http://www.google.com/url?sa=U&start=5&q=http://apublicoutcry.com/Shared%2520Documents/MZYork_Is_The_Man_From_Planet_Rizq.pdf&e=14905&ei=Yw4rRLzXF5SsYcfG7e0F] ]

Rizq has three continents (Darnuriyya, Kusmusta, and Zarantu), and three “dimensions” which York compares to the solid, liquid and gas states of matter, although he says in actuality what we call liquid and gas (and even things like electricity) are considered by the Rizqiyians to be varieties of “solid.” There is also a biosphere on in each continent.

Highly regarded members of his organization are now stating that the recently discovered HD 188753 proves that tri-star solar systems are a reality and that this discovery conforms to the prophecy of the existence of the planet Rizq and the tri-star solar system Illyuwn that York has written about.


A person from Rizq is called a “Rizqiyian”. Rizqiyians are childless, physical beings that endeavor to become Etherians (energy or light beings, angels).

Among the inhabitants of Rizq are reptilians, Dinneer, Etherians, visitors from other planets, and two types of dracos (who live mainly in Darnuriyya or in the seas and who are not native to Rizq): the Markabians-Reticulans and the Maldekians.

Whenever a Human is brought to Rizq they are put in a biosphere on the conitnent of Zarantu which is where Enoch spent some time and also Jesus who was half-human and half-Rizqiyian.

The Anunnaqi Eloheem

Rizq was home to the Anunnaqi Eloheem, who came to earth and played a role in the creation of humans, who represent them in various ways in their mythologies.

These Anunnaqi Eloheem came from Rizq to Earth to find gold and other resources for Rizq. Rizq had been attacked in the course of a galactic civil war, and had lost its protective ozone layer, and so needed gold to construct a dome to protect its inhabitants from intense solar radiation.

They had 30-mile-long transport ships that they constructed relatively locally on Mars and the dark side of the Moon, and a planet-sized ship called “Nibiru”, two-or-three times the size of the Earth, which is capable of light-speed travel. [“Extraterrestrials Among Us” "1996 Nuwaubian Calendar" [http://www.factology.com/front7_15_00.htm] ]

These Rizqiyians first stopped at a planet called Kesiyl in the Orion constellation, where they were attacked by Reptilians. Then they sent out android scouts to find a gold-rich planet, Earth. They set up bases on the Moon and on Mars (the Martian canals were said to have been built then), and began to extract gold to send back to Rizq. [York, Malachi Z. "The Man From Planet Rizq" Scroll #80; see also "CIS Masonic Report", Vol. 7, No.4, March, 2003 [http://www.masonicinfo.com/york.htm] ]

York’s arrival from Rizq

York told members of his organization that to reach Earth, he travelled in a small passenger ship called a “Sham” from a “Motherplane Called MERKABAH Or NIBIRU.” [York, Malachi Z. "The Man From Planet Rizq" Scroll #80 [http://www.nndb.com/people/538/000026460/] ] (To clarify: Dr. York himself is not from the planet Rizq, but the etheric being, which religion calls spirits, is from this place. Dr. York was born in 1945 on Earth. So one should not assume that he is speaking of his physical self being from the planet Rizq.). He says he when speaking about this that he is an Incarnation of an Ilah Mutajassid or an Avatara.

He (the spirit beings which inhabits Dr. York) arrived on 16 March, 1970. Comet Bennett, which was visible on that date, is said to have really been York’s spacecraft:

I, YAANUWN am an ANUNNAQI or what you would called an Extra-Terrestrial; Extra Terra-Astral.… An Eloheem from the 8th planet called RIZQ which has 1 moon SHESHQI of it’s own. This galaxy, the nineteenth galaxy called “ILLYUWN” originally referred to as heaven known as Elysium in Greek.… The Banaat, which is the same word as Bennett, the chosen 144,000.… The planet Earth is also referred to as Orb, Ard (ARDUWT), QI, Terra or even Tiwawat and Tamtu meaning “Maiden Of Life”. However, It was originally called Tiamat. I YAANUWN, have come to save the children of the ELOHEEM (ANNUNAQI) from being killed as you bring your planet near to what could be its total destruction. [York, Malachi Z. "Man From Planet Rizq" Study Book One: Supreme Mathematics Class A For The Students Of The Holy Tabernacle p. 23 [http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/4978/york.html] ]

Customs on Rizq

When in the irregular orbit of Rizq it reaches a point where it is equidistant from each of Illuwyn’s suns, this hottest and brightest time is called the "Full Light Or Unilateral Point" and all inhabitants of Rizq "live by the law of 1 meal a day, which means they eat once in 3 years, which is once a year, which is once a day."

At this time, the Rizqiyians go through a process of perspiration in which they transform into Etherians, and Etherians transform back into Rizqiyians.


ee also

* Zecharia Sitchin — There are many similarities in the description of the Annunaqi from York and Sitchin’s interpretations.
* Xenu- similarity in fascination with imaginary planets and civilizations.

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