

Timna (Arabic,تمنة) is an ancient city in Yemen, the capital of the Qataban kingdom; it is distinct from a city in Southern Israel that shares the same name. During ancient times, Timna was an important hub in the famous Incense Route (which supplied Arabian and Indian incense via camel caravan to ports on the Mediterranean Sea, most notably Gaza in Palestine, and Petra, in Jordan).

An American excavation of Timna took place in the 1950s.For a modern treatment of the city, see: Beihan

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  • TIMNA — (Heb. תִּמְנַע), site of intensive ancient copper mining and smelting activities. The Timna Valley (Ar. Wadi Manʿiāyya) is located 12½–18¾ mi. (2030 km.) north of Eilat, and three wadis run through it into the arabah : Naḥal Mangan, Naḥal Timna,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Timnaʿ — ▪ Israel  copper mining (copper) site, in the southern Negev, Israel, north of Elat. The presence of copper in Palestine is mentioned in the Bible, and archaeologists have identified remnants of ancient smelting operations at Timnaʿ, complete… …   Universalium

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  • Timna Brauer — (nacida en Viena, el 1 de mayo de 1961) es una cantante austriaca; es hija del artista, escritor y cantante Arik Brauer. Está casada con el pianista israelí Elias Meiri con quien colabora. Ambos tienen raíces yemenitas. Representó a Austria en el …   Wikipedia Español

  • Timna Brauer — (born in Vienna, 1 May 1961) is an Austrian singer songwriter, and the daughter of painter, writer and singer Arik Brauer. She is married to Israeli pianist Elias Meiri with whom she collaborates. Both have Yemeni roots.She represented Austria at …   Wikipedia

  • Timna Valley Park — is a National Park in the Negev desert of Israel, located approximately 30km north of Eilat [ [http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/ bazlov/israel/timna.html Israel: Timna valley Eilat ] ] .The Park is noted for its natural sandstone formations,… …   Wikipedia

  • Timna (Israel) — Winderosion im Timna Park …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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