Worlebury Hill

Worlebury Hill

Worlebury Hill is the name given to an upland area lying between the flatlands of Weston-super-Mare and the Kewstoke area of North Somerset, England. Effectively, the hill forms a peninsula, jutting out into the Bristol Channel, between Weston Bay and Sand Bay. A toll road follows the coast around the point from Sand Bay to the now derelict Birnbeck Pier in Weston, although tolls are not currently collected on the road.

Many large Victorian residences are built on the lower slopes of the southern side of the hill, but the rest of the hill is heavily wooded. There are ancient fortifications at the top of the hill. Quarrying took place at various places on the hill from the late 18th century until the town quarry was abandoned in 1953. [cite web | url= http://www.southwestrda.org.uk/news/release.asp?ReleaseID=625 | publisher= South West RDA | date= 15 August 2001 | title= SOUTH WEST RDA FUND RESTORATION OF WESTON QUARRY | accessdate= 2008-02-08] Before the flatlands were adequately drained, the main route to Bristol ran eastwards along the hillside.

Weston Woods, which cover a large part of the hill top, were awarded a Planting Places Award in a scheme run by Sustainability South West to celebrate "brilliant examples of urban greenspaces" on 6 March 2008. [ [http://www.sustainabilitysouthwest.org.uk/projects/planting_places/planting_places_awards/ Planting Places Awards] ]

Worlebury has a Residents' Association, their website can be found http://www.worlebury.co.uk/


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