Flux Television

Flux Television

Flux Television was a pioneering digital culture show that ran on public access cable in New York, San Francisco and San Diego in the mid-1990’s. The show predated the electronic music video show AMP that ran on MTV.

Wired Magazine proclaimed the show “a half-hour gem, in which electronic music videos collide with excellently reported segments on digital culture.” The show received several awards including a Billboard Music Video Award.

The show had numerous creative collaborators including Jonathan Wells (creative director), designer Bill McMullen (who created the logo), twenty2product (who designed the show’s motion graphics sequences), graphic designer David Weissberg, producers Aden Ikram, Randall Hoy and Lisa Braz.

David Weissberg and Jonathan Wells later worked on the LowRes Film and Video Festival together.

External links

* [http://big.net/flux/ Flux Television]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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