

Álvaro is a Spanish and Portuguese male given name. It has a Germanic origin.It may refer to:



*Álvaro of Braganza, Portuguese prince of the late 15th Century
*Álvaro of Orleans, 6th Duke of Galliera
*Álvaro I of Kongo, King of Kongo from 1568 to 1587
*Álvaro II of Kongo, King of Kongo from 1587 to 1614


*Álvaro Araújo Castro, Colombian politician
*Álvaro Arzú, President of Guatemala from 1996 to 2000
*Álvaro Caminha, Portuguese Captain-major of São Tomé and Príncipe in the 15th century
*Álvaro Colom, President of Guatemala
*Álvaro Cunhal, Portuguese historical communist leader
*Álvaro de Bazán, 1st Marquis of Santa Cruz, Spanish admiral in the 16th century
*Álvaro de Castro, Prime Minister of Portugal in the 1920s
*Álvaro de Luna, Spanish Constable of Castile in the 15th century
*Álvaro del Portillo, Spanish engineer and Roman Catholic bishop
*Álvaro García Linera, Bolivian politician
*Álvaro Guerrero, Mexican film actor
*Álvaro Guevara, Chilean painter
*Álvaro Gutiérrez, Peruvian politician
*Álvaro Jacomossi, Brazilian male model
*Álvaro López, British drummer
*Álvaro Mutis, Colombian poet, novelist, and essayist
*Álvaro Noboa, Ecuadorian businessman and politician
*Álvaro Obregón, President of Mexico from 1920 to 1924
*Álvaro Pierri, Uruguayan classical guitarist
*Álvaro Saieh, Chilean businessman
*Álvaro Torres, Salvadoran singer and songwriter
*Álvaro Uribe, President of Colombia


*Álvaro Bautista, Spanish Grand Prix motorcycle road racer
*Álvaro Espinosa, Spanish racecar driver
*Álvaro Espinoza, Venezuelan baseball player
*Álvaro Gestido, Uruguayan football player
*Álvaro Luiz Maior de Aquino, Brazilian football player
*Álvaro Magalhães, Portuguese football player
*Álvaro Mejía, Colombian long distance runner
*Álvaro Mejía Castrillón, Colombian cyclist
*Álvaro Mejía Pérez, Spanish football player
*Álvaro Mesén, Costa Rican football player
*Álvaro Navarro Serra, Spanish Valencian pilota player
*Álvaro Negredo, Spanish football player
*Álvaro Novo, Spanish football player
*Álvaro Parente, Portuguese racecar driver
*Álvaro Pino, Spanish road racing cyclist
*Álvaro Quirós, Spanish golfer
*Álvaro Recoba, Uruguayan football player
*Álvaro Saborío, Costa Rican football player
*Álvaro Santos, Brazilian football player


*Álvaro de Bazán class frigate, class of frigates in Spanish Navy
*Álvaro Siza Vieira, Portuguese architect

ee also

*Álvaro García, disambiguation page

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