Stérane — Le stérane ou perhydrocyclopentanophénanthrène ou encore hexadécahydrocyclopenta[a]phénanthrène est un alcane quadricyclique, constitué des trois cycles à 6 atomes, notés A, B et C, et d un cycle à 5 atomes noté D. Cette structure possède 6… … Wikipédia en Français
Sterane — Strukturformel von Steran. Strukturformel von Gonan. Als Sterane … Deutsch Wikipedia
sterane — noun A tetracyclic hydrocarbon related to the steroids … Wiktionary
sterane — The hypothetical parent molecule for any steroid hormone; a saturated hydrocarbon compound that contains no oxygen. The name was originally conceived to achieve forms of systematic nomenclature, but is now supplanted by the fundamental variants:… … Medical dictionary
sterane — … Useful english dictionary
Stéroïde — Nomenclature IUPAC des stéroïdes; en bleu, le lettrage des cycles, en rouge la numérotation des atomes du squelette des stéroïdes[1] … Wikipédia en Français
Photosynthese — Bei den Landpflanzen findet Photosynthese in den Chloroplasten statt, hier in der Blattspreite des Laubmooses Plagiomnium affine. Photosynthese oder Fotosynthese (altgriechisch φῶς phōs „Licht“ und … Deutsch Wikipedia
Smoke — is the collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases [ [ Smoke Production and Properties ] SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering] emitted when a material undergoes… … Wikipedia
Detailed logarithmic timeline — Main article: logarithmic timeline This timeline allows one to see the whole history of the universe, the Earth, and mankind in one table. Each row is defined in years ago, that is, years before the present date, with the earliest times at the… … Wikipedia
Biomarker (petroleum) — Biomarkers are any of a suite of complex organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and other elements (and physical and geochemical characteristics thereof) which are found in oil, bitumen, rocks and sediments and show little or no change in … Wikipedia