Lodovico Dolce

Lodovico Dolce

Lodovico Dolce (1508-1568) was an Italian theorist of painting. He was a broadly-based Venetian humanist and prolific author, translator and editor; he is now remembered for his "Dialogue on Painting".

He edited a 1555 edition of Dante. As a dramatist he wrote numerous tragedies: "Giocasta" (derived probably from the "Phoenissae" of Euripides via the Latin translation of R. Winter) [See the article [http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/George_Gascoigne “George Gascoigne”] in the 1911 edition of "Encyclopedia Britannica".] , "Didone", "Thieste", "Medea", "Ifigenia", "Hecuba" and "Marianna". An English-language adaptation of the first of these, the "Jocasta" by George Gascoigne and Francis Kinwelmersh, was staged in 1566 at Gray's Inn in London. [This production is regarded as the first performance of a ‘Greek’ drama on the English stage. See citation|first=Edith|last=Hall|contribution=Greek Tragedy and the British Stage, 1566-1997|title=Cahiers du Gita 12|pages=112-33|year=1999|url=http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/people/imagesdocs/eh1566-1997.htm .] "Il Marito" was a comedy.



* "Lodovico Dolce, Renaissance Man of Letters", Ronnie H. Terpening [http://www.u.arizona.edu/~terp/dolce.html (review)]

External links

* [http://www.nd.edu/~italnet/Dante/text/1555.venice.lodovico.html]
* [http://leehrsn.stormloader.com/gg/jocasta.html "Jocasta"] , the sixteenth-century English-language adaptation by George Gascoigne and Francis Kinwelmersh.

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